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  1. Reserved 2 bucket already. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Got 3 buckets of ReefSalt at 136 total. Selling off 2 bucket at 45 each. Interested pls PM. Deal in Pasir Ris. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hi Superio, I have a 1/5HP Artica chiller and usually servicing is done by the service engineer provided by them. I think it is about S$45. Previously I have two free maintenance but now it is charged. Anyway for the tubing with black brown algae, it can be ignored as I don't think it is harmful to your tank occupant. But if you like to clean them, then I would suggest stuffing some tissue that can be inserted into the tube, and push it out by using a stiff hard stick - long enough to push out the tissue from the other end. As for the chiller service, if I am not wrong, what the service person did was to take out the cover, and vacuum what ever visible cotton like dust out of it, and this make your chiller last longer. Well he suggested every 6 months to do such vacuuming, but as for me, likely to be more than that or whenever I am not comfortable with the sight of cotton dust hanging around the chiller cover or any opening/ lourves.
  4. By the way Franklin, I used the email address customerservice@reefdepot.com.sg to communicate with Seet about the problem I have. Mine broke it on a Friday nite, and written to them on Saturday and Sunday, Seet got back to me to see him after that on Monday. Problem solve by Monday. So in between that time, I can use super glue and glue it back the broken piece. Skimmer still works but doesn't look effective.
  5. Franklin, have you gotten your spare part? I had the same situation just two weeks back and I got my replacement done in Reef Depot. Look for Mr Seet. The spare part is 81140700 if you look into the instruction manual of this Deltec website. However, one thing to note is that the Deltec Skimmer has to have the reef depot sticker I think. Nonetheless, you can approach Seet and see what he said.
  6. I am using this salt too. Yes, it will turn cloudy even after it has cleared out like half an hour. And later if continuing using pump for stirring, the water will turn cloudy. But it didn't deter me from using it. I thought I have read it somewhere that this salt does give such an issue but it is not harmful.
  7. Like to get both Hanna checker 5&6 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Have received a nice gesture from Eugene aka Ahku. Thanks a lot for nice Reefer out there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Sure I take it. Pls advice where to collect. My number is 8one8zero2zero58 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Hi does anyone has some chaeto to spare for my newly setup refugium. I can collect it anywhere. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Okay noted thanks CKS Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Hi does anyone has Charto spare? I can collect it anywhere. I stay in Pasir Ris. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Anyone? I can pick it up anywhere. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Hi anyone can spare some chaeto for refugium. Located in Pasir Ris. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Thanks for the reply. I have been doing clearing ever since. Will try some Coral Dip to see how much more combat I have to do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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