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Everything posted by kkoil2000

  1. who have ozonizer experience, & how to isntall it ?
  2. thank you xf, let me prepaire to the next
  3. view days ago my old tank is leak. and now buy a new size 79"x31.5"x23.5" (12mm). I have an idea build this, as a reef tank ( soft coral oriented) any body have an affordable reef tank scheme, completely refugium (sump) ? if possible please a lighting too. most of all hardware I have (ex old tank) below my idea if anything false corrected pls thank you very much kkoil2000
  4. anybody have an experience the P skimmer at 1500-2000 L capacity ?? and where to buy. may be macro is a good performance? Because I have a plan to buy it. thanks
  5. thanks FuEL, I would try it.. not long ago we join this forum, so we would to learn more from U. the last year have no cencern fish or reefs tank..... now 2004 decided to reefs.
  6. my tank 2-3 yeras ago size:200x70x70 cm (1500 l) 4 pcs metal halide 150 w (2 pcs 10000 K and 2 pcs 20000K), 2 tube act blue , use P skimmer too, chiller 1hp 24-25 c, ca 450, KH 7-8 ?? I, fe, mb,sr,mg at normal addition. NH4 ok. test kit azoo, intrepret. additive azoo. problem: liferock or coraline algae very poor.
  7. dear all I have a trouble,, any body knows how to growing up the coraline algae actually as liferock.... many thanks kkoil2000
  8. please have any problem like me...... on the red coral
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