I've never seen another one here either. The yellow, roses, and greens with pink tips I have all seem to be doing fine. they are in contact with each other regularly, with no problems.
I always use rubble with the "sandwich method". After a while, it all gets covered in corraline, and doesn't matter. No more plugs for me. Plus, if I want to move the coral, I just snap off the LR rubble piece.
well, it wasn't a mistake I made, so I don't feel bad about that. I made a post-mortem video. Turn your sound on and press play
well, during your waterchanges, you should be siphoning out "junk" as well, so that you have a cleaner tank. This, in the long run, will help with nitrates
ok, no biohome, ball, whatever. Your drain should go to your skimmer chamber, then to your return section. The third section should be a refugium that is fed from the return (use a T with a valve) and then drains back into the return.