Thanks, Jacky. It will be an honor to share tips for yr nx tank, although there are far many more experienced reefers in this forum, who are generous with their awesome tips..
Thanks, ketchup. Will gradually add cured liverock and coral. Fishwise, dream fish to add is a longfin fairy wrasse (if can find one), but, as u warned, the damsels are a threat..
Hi there,
Just sharing my new 2 months old LPS setup.
So many more things to learn; so many equipment to upgrade.
3' x 1.5' x 1.5' (sumpless)
1 x T5HO 39W 10,000K; 1 x T5HO 39W Actinic (getting 2 more T5HO's soon)
Tunze skimmer 9005
Eheim cannister 2026 (supplementary biological filter to the liverock; cleaned every week)
1 x Hydor Koralia 1; 1 x OceanFree circulation pump
1 x Cooling fan (no chiller)
Weekly WC of 20%
Temp 27C - 28C
pH 8.2 - 8.4
SG 1.025
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate < 10 ppm
Pics attached..
Humbly yours has learned a lot and still has a lot to learn from this magnificent forum of experts.
3' x 1.5' x 1.5' (sumpless)
1 x T5HO 39W 10,000K; 1 x T5HO 39W Actinic (getting 2 more T5HO's soon)
Tunze skimmer 9005
Eheim cannister 2026 (supplementary biological filter to the liverock; cleaned every week)
1 x Hydor Koralia 1; 1 x OceanFree circulation pump
1 x Cooling fan (no chiller)
Weekly WC of 20%
Temp 27C - 28C
pH 8.2 - 8.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate < 10 ppm
My tank pics in Facebook