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Everything posted by nemo22

  1. all that u state i hav,my aquarium is2.5x3x6 feets but still this type of fish never stay at this big aquarium more than a month
  2. Can anyone share thier expirience how to keep this fish healty? I own it severe times but in the end die.
  3. bro,may i know which country made of the Auqzonic T5 lighting?
  4. Can anyone tell me why my beckett skimmer stop foaming skimmate? actually 2 month ago all my fish die because of white spot when i add 2 new fish in my 2.5x3x6 feets tank. After 2 week ago my beckett skimmer suddenly stop foarming skimmate in the collection cup. Is that because of no fish at the tank now that is why no skimmate? I dont hav coral in my tank.My tank is empty now.
  5. ok i will try soak garlic juice into the food thk
  6. Need some advice i just add another 2 new member in my 6'x2.5'x3' tank, they are emperor and blue face.After the third days ,i found of that these angle got alot of white spot o the whole body. Can i increse the temp to about 34 degree? Now is about 30 to 31 degree. Can it kill the white spot by increse the temp?
  7. Hi,reefer Can we talk in email? or u can add me at bha2201@hotmail.com or giv me your email address i will add u. i hav some others question want to ask u. Nice to meet u.......
  8. what is the height of this skimmer? Can this skimmer put OUT SUMP? Any leakage of this skimmer?
  9. any leakage on this skimmer? Is that RIO20 pump enought power to supply water to this skimmer(I think RIO26 is the minimun power to supply to beccett type skimmer)
  10. Any photo of this MH??? What is the brand???
  11. Thk for your reply. now i pump it full(50mg).Is it harmful to my fish?
  12. hi,i just buy a o3 pump and now i pump it o3 air into my beccett type p/skimmer. My question is----Can i pump it 24 hour? (now i pump it 2 hours and 1 hour off by setting in my timer)
  13. did u mean that the skimmer collecter is we call it P/SKIMMER WASTE COLLECTOR WITH VALVE?
  14. any photo for the beccett skimmer plsssssssss?
  15. what is the price of the marco ps??? any picture?
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