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nemo22 last won the day on November 21 2010

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About nemo22

  • Birthday January 22

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  1. my 6 feet tank have... EMPEROR 10" BLUE FACE 6" KORAN 4" MAJESTIC 5" BLUE FACE 7" FRENCH 3 1/2" GREY ANGEL 1+"
  2. Any photo for the Iwaki Magnet Pump MD-100RT ? How much are u want to selling?
  3. Do i need it in my FOWLR tank?
  4. Can anyone tell me what actually FR work??? Do i need it in my FOWLR tank?
  5. HI,My tank is 6x2.5x2.5 Fwlr Now got angel fish and only 1 tang(ABT) If with me ,i think no other fish will chasing it.
  6. i hav try to take pic but the result of the pic cannot see the red &white spot may be too small
  7. Hi,i 'm a angel fish keeper.Now my fish some got white dot with red on the body & I m very sure is not ICH . Can someone tell me what must i treat ?? My tank is now still under HYPO (0.010)because of the new addition of angelfish for 1 month already.before that everything is fine. Can i treat with copper??? PLs ..some sifu advice Oh !!! about a week ago ,i have do 20% w/change and add back some salt to 0.010 ,but after 2 days some of my angel got these white with red dot on the body. thk...
  8. Hi bros rceng, Sorry i,m not interested in your yellow angel . My tank almost all are big angels like emperer,majistic,blue lip ,blue ring and queen.... I just want to correct bros DUCADOS only.
  9. so sad because of the auction... I think Admin better cancelled all the auction to prevent such story come again and again...
  10. bros, I think he is selling yellow angel not yellow tang looo
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