Am setting up a new tank (48 inch x24 X30) and finding lots of information here (info overload ;P)
Can I get some advice on the following:
1) Is there an optimal size and what should we have (filter, skimmer) in a slump?
2) how do i decide the type of pump and flow rate required?
3) How do I decide/ know if the level of calcium, salinity, iodine, nitrates etc is acceptable for my tank?
Planning to keep these: To much?
2* Tang
2* Maroon Clownfish
2* Goby
2* seahorse
2* Blue Flavivertex Pseudochromis
2* Spotted Mandarin
1* starfish
1* Pincushion Urchin, Blue Tuxedo
clams, hermits, shrimps
Tree Sponge
Bulb Anemone
Sea Fans
Taro Tree Coral
Bubble Coral, White
Candy Cane Coral