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apple123 last won the day on October 12 2019

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  1. Pm me if you have hanna checker for phos. Thks.
  2. Hi Folks, Selling away the equipment as I've decomm my tank. Have attached the pictures. PM me if interested. 1) Reef Octopus skimmer used for many years - FOC if you purchase any other items below 2) Maxspect LED lights R420R used for 3yrs - $250 (inclusive of the add on lens to expand the light coverage) 3) Vortech MP40W used for many years - $50 4) Led Lights - $10 5) Magnesium Mix - $20 6) Calcium Mix (opened) - $10 Will give a bundle price of $300 if you take all 6 items together
  3. Never thought to use this method. Floating rock.
  4. Are the fishes new? Sometimes the ich will go away after they get use to the new environment.
  5. Can u pm me the contact of your contractor? Thks.
  6. Nice tank. Can I know who built your tank? thks.
  7. Have more frags. Interested party pls pm. Below is a picture of the mother colony.
  8. oh thks! those on LPS forum are super nice
  9. Hi, Anybody know what's this coral called? Thks.
  10. Hi, Interested to swop a monti for SPS frag. Picture below. I've a green monti as well. Pls PM me if you're interested. Collection in the east.
  11. Hi, I've still got 1 set left. Interested party pls PM me. Self collection in the east. Hoping to clear it this wkend
  12. Hi, An interested in this product. Can pm me the cost n place to buy? Thks.
  13. Bid closed. Sold 1 to Dachkie and 1 to cheemi. Thks!
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