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Everything posted by RockyBoy

  1. My clown love to sleep with the braincoral.
  2. BTW, what kind of tank u intend to do? Reef? Fish? If reef, then better invest in better skimmer.
  3. What happens if one of the passengers needs to give birth and has to rush to hospital and beat the traffic light?
  4. Yep... and newer water, the salt content is lesser by 1 pt .... or whatever it is to make the final total tank volume to your desired salinity level.
  5. I done my denitritor project for my 2.5ft tank. Hooked up for about 3-4 months and nitrate is still hanging at 50ppm. Did my 6" DSB refugium with lots of microalgae with lights at 24hrs and now after a month, nitrates at less than 10ppm. Threw away my DIT denitrator already... Now to source for a good skimmer.
  6. care to show any picture of it? I'm still looking for a good skimmer. Right now my tank is surviving on refugium with tons of microalgae.
  7. The organic impurities gets more concentrated as the water evaporates. So it is good to replace the water. I change mine 15-20% weekly.
  8. Of course they lost. Israel got big bro to help financially and war machines. Those who help others to shed blood is the main culprit, IMO.
  9. Use DSB with micro algae and good skimmer will definitely help.
  10. My suncorals only open at night ....
  11. looks like cycling has not established yet. Do a proper cycling before you start with the livestock again.
  12. last saturday went there no more stock. they have various sizes for the check valve. Minimum, I think is 16mm. Stock coming in this week. Call first before coming.
  13. Don't dip in the freshwater. Might as well throw the whole lot in my tank I use the normal airtube to siphon those pest. Must control the flowrate, if not your zoos will be sucked as well.
  14. How does your skimmer looks like?
  15. So what's your status with your alternative DIY skimmer?
  16. Try to reduce the cable length for those cheapo extension ones and don't coil it. So that it won't heat up & can cause unnessary tripping.
  17. Quite easy to calculate the current (ampere) pump1 - 50W pump2 - 100W table fan - abt 20W MH light - 250W Some equipment has losses such especially ballast loss (in form of heat). So add about 30% to the MH light = 325W. Pump, at 10% losses. Fan no need to add anything lar. So total wattages plus losses = 55+110+20+325 = 510Watts Current (ampere) = Power (Watts) / Voltage (230V) = 510/230 = 2.2A So your timer or extension plugs should have higher ratings than this say, minimum 5Amps. (Give additional allowance about 1.5times of your calculated current usage). Will not heat your cables also. Take not for those having chillers because chillers have starting current of at least 7-10 times the rated chiller current. So your cables, plugs, timers should be able to take the sudden surge of current for a few seconds.
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