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Everything posted by RockyBoy

  1. Make sure u guys just look at the tanks only and not other stuff or activities in the house!
  2. Was looking at our office fountain just now. The shape looks like beckett and is supplied by local fountain suppliers. The output is very foamy. Probably you can ask the local suppliers for the foamy fountain nozzle.
  3. Rule of a thumb at gantry - always anticipate those inconsiderate idiots to jam brake.
  4. At least you can avoid. I was involved in 5 car pile up last CNY eve at PIE.
  5. Sorry, it's a funnel .... 10 days later when the water is deep green in colour...can throw in the tank. Can't filter them. Too small. Already bought 23micron filter from Florida farm but can't filter them. I pour abt 300ml in the day and another 300ml at night. Anyone got live rotifer ??
  6. Later your wife doesn't want to leave AT's house.... see-liao
  7. No need high tech equipment. Light, phyto light stand, at least 6 of .5l bottles. spout, salt mix, microalgae fertiliser. I can help DIY your light stand.
  8. Fertiliser at reborn. They just stocked up. I can make a bottle of fertiliser for you. I got mass micro algae dry pack. Anybody got live rotifers? Me need to start culturing them.
  9. awesome dual skimmer. Dunno can use for my nano tank .....
  10. Must be my darn sealife Ca test kit could be not accurate. Not sure whether have to add the initial 4 drops of reagent A with the final total drops. If don't have to add, its about 450ppm. Sorry..side track abit
  11. his check valve got choke
  12. Ball Valve = gate valve. Use to stop the water flow. Looks like a tap.
  13. Just bought the 16mm check valve today. A few more left at Hai Cheong at Ubi. The lady told me yesterday a tall guy bought quite a number of ieces for his tank setup. Wonder who...
  14. My calcium too high already. I think about 650ppm and Alk at 12. Hope the coralline will absorb the calcium as much as possible.....
  15. With MH for smaller tanks, better invest in chillers. Your tank life will luv you till the end My 2.5ft tank using 250WMH with 1/4hp resun chiller. Electricity bills go up by $20 a month.
  16. Izit the 'Peltier Effect' chiller? Micro Chiller
  17. Mine using MH250W with 10K bulb. Enough for coralline growth??
  18. Damn... u got me there .... Any carpenter u can recommend?
  19. Your hood looks great!!! Need a hood...my tank botak. How to DIY the hood?
  20. Now I know why he sometimes writes ' Tick Tock'.
  21. Yeah... what geneva convention or UN backing....with or without WMD wack lar... This kind of act is already a precedent
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