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Everything posted by RockyBoy

  1. Kalau tak taruk LR kat main tank, letak kat sump to stabilise the water condition...
  2. Awesome.. where did you get it from...?
  3. If it still want to eat, hand feed it. Give Henry's gourmet which contain all the formula to make a sick fish dance. About 2 weeks ago, my filefish has a ugly lump on the left side, either could be cancerous or bacteria infection, and it was 45deg swimming at its sides. I thought it was going to die in a few days time. Doesn't want to eat but I throw Henry gourmet everyday in the tank, slowly it start to eat. Now, even though the lump is getting smaller, after the lump broke and expose the insides, it is eating like my other tangs. Now much healthier than before and hunting for aiptasia during its spare time.
  4. Jangan let go la.. lu boleh buat display crystal silverware lu per...
  5. Wa pakai absolut. Murah jer kalau beli kat duty free.
  6. Wa punya sps dah kao kao baru wa amk gambor laa...
  7. Wa ada dua botol vodka. Sapa nak skit?
  8. Wa ingatkan lu punya deltec dah let go dulu? Nano pun boleh pakai deltec jugak per...
  9. Bubble algae lu rupa macam mana? Wa dulu ada bubble algae, tiap tiap minggu wa jadi petani, tarik algae. Skrang dah elek... selamat skit..
  10. Start slow beb. Kasi air tank tu cukup matang baru taruk ikang ikang, teritip... Lu dose bacteria tak? Wa pakai prodibio dah bertahun. Dose ngan vodka.
  11. Buy first then complain laa .... for hole in a pocket... lol
  12. Waduhh..... tank lu banyiak problem ka? 2ft to 3ft mana ada difference. Terjun botol la... terus 5ft, lagi kao..!!
  13. Energy datang bila makan coral slime... kakaka..
  14. Not sure if the test kits are measuring organic or inorganic phosphates.
  15. Boleh... nanti wa cari camera dulu...
  16. Been using coral pro for many years. So far so good. The newer version seems to dissolve much faster.
  17. Overdose will cause snowing due to calcium percipitation. If not snowing, probably your test kits not accurate or your kH a bit low. What's your pH and kH? Read on reef chemistry: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2002/3/chemistry
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