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Everything posted by RockyBoy

  1. Should be enough. Another 2x24W would be nice. What's your tank depth?
  2. Good to have 2 skimmers. 1 wet another is dry skimate.
  3. Nice tank... do take care of the parameters.
  4. Aptasia bersih senang... pakai clorox.. bersih la..
  5. All ok except ur pH. Calcium is on a high side. Since you have problem some time back, your tank will normalise in about a few weeks time. Bump up your kH a bit.
  6. Wow a damn good skimmer. Mine is A150-F2001, already a kick arse... Ups your H&S sale, bro...
  7. RockyBoy

    LED Panel

    Where to purchase this driver?
  8. I use GroTech NutriVital Plus Food. Can last very long time.
  9. Less than 7.8 is too low. What's your salinity?
  10. Normally I feed my fishes dried food - GroTech NutriVital Plus. Good stuffs. I don't feed my corals. They get the nutrients from the water and energy from the lightings.
  11. Ader FW lagik tak? Skyline bleh buat operation...
  12. the broke back mountain guy also got wife and kids...
  13. ro11 hello kitty hidup siak... wa punya milli semua dah mampus...
  14. Yang kiri tu kurus tinggi... Yang kanang, susah nak berbuah.
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