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Everything posted by RockyBoy

  1. Wa tetap bersabar... wa takut yang lain pulak tak leh sabar, sebab wa nak bawak wa punya bone cutter gi tank orang...
  2. Tutup tank tu la... air tak kena sedut...
  3. Suruh maid skylian tolong, mesti tak malas...
  4. Mesti tukar beb, banyak mineral kena used up.
  5. Yang dah mampus banyak la... Wa rasa milli semua dah kojol, sebab dulu bubble algae cover semua tempat... sedih siak..
  6. Wa belik yang nutrival plus. Yang besau punya around 30 bengkak. Tahan lama beb..
  7. Clams need good water parameters as well, especially calcium/mag to grow the shell. They do well with some nitrates.
  8. Very strange. May be died already.
  9. What is the CREE wattage are you buying? Also, what is your MH wattage?
  10. Does the cabinet has center beam to support the weight as well?
  11. Also use the CR media available in our local LFS to be safe.
  12. ya la... kenak belik salinity monitor... ala.. murah jer.. 3ketul jer...
  13. Yah... dier lebih suka makan grotech sama henry food.
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