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Everything posted by RockyBoy

  1. Bro, Magnesium chloride 4kg boleh? Nak tolong packing?
  2. Bila masa lagi kita nak makan epok2 power tu...
  3. Lu bilang sang teritip weak... Lu belum tengok dia tunjuk muscle dia depan ikang2 wa...
  4. RockyBoy


    Bro, you want to try my DIY wavebox controller?
  5. Haiz.. SCDF pun pakai senapang gajah ka... Ini kes kalau orang yang nak di selamatkan tapi nyawa2 ikan... kan shoot terus aman....
  6. Lagu bunga tanjong terlalu feel la.. nanti dia nangis...
  7. Lu asyik balik siang jer.. ada pergi dating kah...
  8. Lu cekak dia weak... dia boleh pikul lu punya tank ar..
  9. Tiap2 hari balik siang siak... bagus nyer..
  10. Since your sand already in cycle, no need to add live sand, coz your dead sand will be live in no time. Just leave your setup for a few weeks to get the it fully cycled since you are still in NS, can afford to wait. Add kalkwasser when doing water top-up, to get the coraline algae growing.
  11. Try to change water weekly if your nitrates are high. Use distilled or DI or DI/RO water instead of tap water. Tap water contain lots of stuff which will add back to your system. Mandrin will normally eat pods in your tank, so your tank should have enough pods if you don't want your mandari to go hungry. Good if you can make a sump to house your nitrate exposts such as cheato or algae scrubbers. If not, you need denitritrator.
  12. Try not to use vodkha or sugar if your tank is not matured enough. Might breed those non beneficial bacteria instead.
  13. Normally, just leave it, will multiply quite fast. Of course need good lights, flow, water paramenters, iodine...etc...
  14. Dia memang semua kena beb.... aiptasia, flatworm, stn...
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