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Everything posted by RockyBoy

  1. Macam mana lu upload lu punya dvd sumer ke elektron?
  2. So far so good kat dalam tank wa... cuma US zoa jer...
  3. Wa punya alumium plate lum sampai... LED sumer dah collect
  4. Semalam lagi sayup beb... rambut dia pun dah hilang... dah jadi macam kojak...
  5. Baik2 kalau nak lap muker lu, sebab kain tu dah berlumuran... kot2 jenggut lu gugur...
  6. Abis siak dia punya monti, lu punya prata dah jadi prata kosong.... Semalam wa gi umah diaamik hello kity, blue, green millis, zoas.. apa2 yang ader.
  7. RockyBoy


    Sim Lim Tower bro. Just shop around at the 3rd floor for the components.
  8. Nanti kalau wa punya LED dah siap, wa pass lu wa punya automatic power cutoff kalau temperature lebih dari 30degC, lu boleh cutoff lu punya MH.
  9. Alamak beb... hari sabtu baru jer wa tengok tank lu... haizz.... Sedih siak wa tengok lu punya corals dah stn.
  10. Ada jugak... wa pun ada nampak air mata dia mengalir...
  11. Itu kain tangkal dia, mate. Kalau cuci kain tu, banyak masalah datang...
  12. Bukan colournyer yang sentimentel, bau nyer.... kalau nak senang tidur, bau jer.. terus hilang
  13. Senang jer... wa campak dari tingkat 11, terus pecah. Tak payah pakai ketuk besi.
  14. RockyBoy


    Very simple to DIY the controller. Using 555 timer IC, some resistors, capacitors etc. Simpler than DIY the box itself. In fact I get dama to do for me the box at $25. I'v forgot how to do the controller, need to open up the controlller again, or just look in the net. I used these below are my references to build my controller and the box. DIY controller Another DIY controller
  15. RockyBoy


    Wah... really swaying quite well!!
  16. RockyBoy


    Nice to see my $10 controller works for you..
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