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Everything posted by RockyBoy

  1. lain kali mau gi go panggil wa sekali... wa boleh kasi semangat kental.. aru oleh beli sedozen
  2. Dehtu suka post gambor besau2 sebab nak kasi korang nampak pods, nitrifying bacteria..
  3. RockyBoy

    LED Panel

    1K is understatement...
  4. gini macam nak kena order pizza (breakfast, lunch, dinner) x 2
  5. dorang kat sana jual dvd9 punya jer... blueray blum lagi...
  6. Wa boleh order sapino pizza.. amacam? orite? Tapi wa next tuesday pegi china, balik 24may.
  7. Wa ada part 2... nanti wa beli part 1
  8. Wa next tuesday pergi china 2 minggu. Wa selalu belik DVD ... RMB7 jer.. atau $1.60. Nak kirim apa2 ?
  9. Ohh... agaknyer itu cotton candy dia sangka filter wool....
  10. Shoot the bugger la... wa boleh bawak air, chips bila buat downloading
  11. RockyBoy

    LED Panel

    Sure thing bro.. will update in your thread..
  12. RockyBoy

    LED Panel

    Already starting my DIY. Will keep u all posted. Using 19 current drivers so far.
  13. Ataupun dia tertaruk gula2 lolipop ker?
  14. Betul lu dah kensel... ikang2 nih sumer tengah tunggu lu ha...
  15. RockyBoy

    LED Panel

    New LED products coming on
  16. Itu pasal mesti ada tiga orang.. mesti split jadi tipis..
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