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Everything posted by RockyBoy

  1. publish his name...get his IP, ban him ...
  2. Just wash your hands with soap, should kill most bacteria.
  3. Spirulina is a good health supplement for people as well. My whole family eating this, even my cat.
  4. Yup, pH need to be in the right value as well. How's the salinity?
  5. I still believe octo belong to the sea instead of the tank.
  6. Do a weekly cleaning of your air filter.
  7. Too high NO3 will cause stress to the fish as well. Do water change a few times and use the test kits to check the nitrate and phospate levels.
  8. Used to have lots of worms...may be thousands, but they didn't harm any of corals, clams etc. Now the worms community seems to be lesser as I control the amount of food for my fish.
  9. Would be a lonely octo in the sump....
  10. I think Reef Depot selling.
  11. Yup, do a thorough survey on the prices and your commitment to keep marine fish.
  12. Should close this thread since the tank has already been sold. Quite sad to see these unending saga.
  13. Selamat Hari Raya semua. Hope my anak2 dapat collection besau...nanti boleh besau-kan tank...
  14. National Cancer center main entrance lobby also well taken care of. The anemone seems to grow bigger over the years.
  15. George street near lavendar mrt. I think blk 800++
  16. Well, 20% of our country folks are like that. So need to help them to move up.
  17. Will definitely make the heads turn .... & laugh...
  18. Starve them and set a fish trap with some bait..
  19. Skimmer yang gerek sama tukar air. Itu yang penting untuk jaga kesucian air takung tu ... ehwah..
  20. Well, for a start, a Dream Girl or a Dream Guy is just for dreams only. Have to snap back to reality as life have to go on. Nobody is perfect in this world.
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