also what about your effluent output?
Example, my tank, mostly sps but so many colonies types, my co2 bubble count is about 2 to 4 per sec, but I dun care about this because I have pH controller set at pH 6.5 in the reactor chamber. My effluent output, which has about 30-40kH is about 10 dropsper minute or more....can't really see the drop cause its free flowing. WIth that, I can maintain the main tank at 420-440ppm. Since the ionic balance of the tank is important, such as ratio of 1:3 for calcium and mag, I have to dose mag to maintain at 1400ppm. Not only that, I have to dose strontium as well. Also need to maintain tank kH at about at least 8dkh. Since pH is quite difficult to maintain if you are using CR, I have to dose kalk everyday for the water top-up.