I'm using Skimz Monzter SM202 Protein External Skimmer.
Initially skeptical about the capacity that it could handle due to short height. But now after more than 3 months of using it, every week, skimmed about 3/4 full cup in black kopi tarik, so much more than my previous H&S A150.
Really amazed by the amount of micro bubbles it produced, look like brown candy floss.
My take for this skimmer,
Pros : Small, well built, no noise, good support from AM, fantastic skimming, easy to tune & clean and value for money for the capacity.
Cons : For mine, takes a long time to break-in (about 2-3 weeks), sometimes in-consistant bubble height, but once tune, can just left it there, and every week, just clean the cup.