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marksing last won the day on September 8 2019

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About marksing

  • Birthday 03/04/1976

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    watching the beautiful marine life swimming and swimming woh woh chillout and relaxing..

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  1. Currently all items reserved.
  2. Trade the below items with 2 litres of Pocari Sweat or A&W Root Beer or Minute Maid Orange bottle drinks. Collection at Sengkang S544157 Hp:98288403.
  3. Clearing of the listed items. Quick quick.
  4. Interested in any items, please give me a call at 98288403. Im Mark. Clearing. Giving up hobby. Thanks.
  5. Letting go items due to tank leak. All items good condition. Im staying at Sengkang. Contact me at 98288403. Thanks.
  6. Please call, text or whatsapp me at 98288403. Im Mark. Thanks.
  7. Bubble magnus skimmer - $50 UV light - $5 Cooling fan - $5 Redsea filter cups - $5 Sicce pump - $15 (nego)
  8. Selling all liverocks with corals attached, zoas, xenia, kenya tree, cloves, mushrooms, anemones etc. All in one big tub at $nego price. -Bubble Magnus skimmer $50 -Haliea Chiller HS-66A $300. 1 month old. -Jebao wavemaker x2 $40. -Cooling fan $10 -Fish food, additives from red sea, Kh, Magnesium etc.. $nego. Call me at 98288403 Mark. Thanks.
  9. Also, liverocks w corals, anemones etc attached. All for $150. All from my 3ft tank.
  10. Left Bubble magnus skimmer, 2ft red sea sump, Haliea Chiller (just bought abt a month), return pump, cooling fan.
  11. VID-20230210-WA0002.mp4 Letting go Kessil lights with arm at $50 each for bottom 2 and $100 each for top 2. Haliea chiller just bought 1 month old at $300. Fan, wavemakers and bubble magnus skimmer. Interested can nego. Im Mark. Hp:98288403.
  12. VID-20230210-WA0002.mp4 Selling all liverocks with coral attached. 20230210_145918.mp4 Red, green mushroom, xenia, anemones etc. . Contact me at 98288403. Im Mark. Location Sengkang 544153. Pls bring your own pail VID-20230210-WA0002.mp4 All at $150.
  13. VID-20230210-WA0002.mp4 Selling all livestocks. Contact me at 98288403. Im Mark. Location Sengkang 544153. Pls bring your own pail VID-20230210-WA0002.mp4
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