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Everything posted by snowy85

  1. comes with ab2000i feeder pump asking $400 collection joo chiat 96781991
  2. np bro im sure the eel will be happier in your place. i have been neglecting it quite abit due to work.
  3. reserve pending collection. will update if reefer backs out.
  4. collect at joo chiat bring own bags. collection tml. 91515995
  5. not my setup, owner going overseas Tank, Sump, Cabinet, Return Pump, hood, glass 12mm $300 Reef Octopus FR $40 Schuran Jetskim 150 come with AB2000 pump $250 Resun Cl650 $150 250w DE lightings MH Magnetic Ballast, Diamond Reflector,comes with stand $100 DE Lightings 4x39w t5 $120 2x Seio 800 wavemaker $25 each tank cleaned ready for collection. fcfs basis viewing at simei. call/sms 96781991
  6. Teco TR15 3-4yrs old. $400 Resun 650 2-3yrs old. $150 both in working conditions Teco Collection in Joo chiat Resun Collection in Simei pm/sms me 96781991 Joe
  7. looking to get the above, Vortech MP40 Tunze 6105 Tunze 6205 400w MH 19" Reflector 2 Tubes 54w T5 (preferably from DE) sms me 96781991 Cheers Joe
  8. as above, please let me know place of collection, price, age and condition of item. thanks. 96781991 Joe
  9. as above $450 used 2 yrs plus. unit from reefdepot
  10. AP851 $450 PF501 $400 both units from reef depot. more then 2yrs old collection joo chiat sms/call 96781991 Joe
  11. more info on the calcium reactor. its a good CR that can handle up to a fully stocked 4ft SPS tank. http://www.reefdepot.com.sg/AddProduct.asp?ProdID=516 The AP851 Protein Skimmer is a well established favourite for aquariums up to 1500lts.
  12. AP851 $450 PF501 $400 both units from reef depot. more then 2yrs old collection joo chiat sms/call 96781991 Joe
  13. AP851 $450 PF501 $400 both units from reef depot. more then 2yrs old collection joo chiat CR can collect anytime skimmer next week sms/call 96781991 Joe
  14. got one of them. picture from google bought from reborn at $50 selling at $50 collection at joo chiat 96781991
  15. almost all the time. its like having problems staying straight up. often it will just "float" around with the current. any medication or any thing i can do to save this poor fish?
  16. ok actually i got this problem now. my rhomboid swims upside down and has torn fins. like something is bitting it but i cant seem to be able to pin point. the lineatus is the one that got closest to it. but then it did not bite it. they are in a 5ft tank. the lineatus is slightly bigger. the rhomboid is still coming out to feed and swim around. this problem only happened after i introduce the lineatus. other fishes in the tank include a sohal, yellow tang, 2 black clowns, ,peppermint shrimps, cleaner shrimps and several blennies and gobies. i am guessing its either the lineatus or the black clowns.
  17. was wondering if you can mix lineatus and rhomboid together? do they fight? need some advice from the pros =) cheers thanks in advance.
  18. Ehiem 1262 - $100 viewing / collection at joo chiat sms to deal 98628614
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