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Everything posted by ivanlaw

  1. I have some mystery death in my tank for last few months. Sometimes I would heard a clicking sound or something knocking the glass. How do I confirm if it is a Mantis Shrimp or some other nuisance. I am suspecting the sound is created by the 2 hermit crab knocking on the glass. Casualty so far 1 inch LionFish (1pcs) Cardinal (3 pcs) Mandrain (2pcs)
  2. how much u selling......what she eat
  3. I have read in some articles that we have to feed Sea Fan regularly and one of the food is live brine shrimp. How do I feed Sea fan with live brine shrimp?
  4. My hermit crab shed off half of its shell 2 weeks ago and another half this morning. Is this normal.
  5. Hi need advice on this 2 weeks ago, my hermit crab shed odd half on its body shell. This morning I saw my hermit crab running around "######" then went into his shell for a few minutes and came out again. And I saw another half of its bosdy in another corner. Is it a sign that he need to change home? How long they can survive without a proper shell Where can I get a bigger shell as my is already 1 inch plus.
  6. Hi fellow reefer. After reading a few articles, I still dun really sure the following issue told by LFS. 1. The lights can be on any time of the day (even at night) as long as it is around 8hours. 2.The blue is on together with the white light. I thought blue light is to simulate moon light? Can somebody tell me if the 2 points are right
  7. niceeeee why u selling?? It look good in your tank
  8. Just to check which tester is a better one to test phosphate level
  9. Me got the same problem. I clean up the tank..stir the sand and change 20 % water. Is that ok??
  10. saw that address. I mean any other option....just want to compare Or you have already done homework and that is the best place
  11. Any recommendation of good and cheap sump designer and builder
  12. Though my tank is 4ft but my cabinet below is brak up to 2 part so I dun have space for Sump as big as tank. So what is the minimun size of the sump required
  13. Hi all members Currently I have a 4ft tank for 2 weeks. Running by external canister "a Ehiem 2028" I am cosidering to get a sump or another canister for extra capacity in future. So any suggestion which option is better. if using sump then how big. if using another canister then which size.
  14. what will it do to Damsel?? Or the other way round
  15. Alanseah Me going to that LFS in alexandra later.....want to look out for you??
  16. If the Ammonia get high shall I change the water?? Or just leave it alone??
  17. My AC socket is right beside my fish tank and it is in a very low position (30 cm up from ground) Once I screw up with the pipe connecting to the chiller and water splash out and short the socket. Can anybpdy advise or show me how you guys do up your power supply. Consider also that some of the AC wire for the power head and lamp is so that it just enough to reach my socket. My is a 4ft tank with a cabinet.
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