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Everything posted by erikokelf

  1. haha bro thats what i thought also lol.
  2. Wow the fish list is a mini kelong inside the tank.
  3. I think small goby will be great for your setup and also add in a PC fan for cooling after office hours. Next morning can always top up with distilled water from office which i think is commonly available in most office
  4. Ah ok. Both chilli and red tree sponge look too alike already. Very nice and clean reef you have cheers!
  5. Nice chilli coral and i notice there are no LR?
  6. Hi any bro out here have some dry rock to sell? I'm looking for about 5-8 piece preferably small pieces for my existing tank rescaping. Many thanks in advance!
  7. Very nice and colourful tank with big variety of zoas collection.
  8. With the quality and resolution of camera getting better, many of us are having issue with uploading picture due to huge file size. For those having problem uploading pictures due to file size, you may download a program called Tinypic and the best part its a freeware. What the program does is resize the picture to extremely small file size and yet not really compromising on the quality. Below is how the program looks like and you may play around with the option from the drop down box. For myself i will usually choose overriding file as to prevent confusion due to multiple files present on your computer.
  9. Wow uncle mike this angel surely will be fat fat with so many premium coral for it to choose from. If i'm the flame angel, my expression will be like this
  10. Better go easy on stocking. Try to discipline yourself by adding fish slowly like 1 or 2 at most per week as it might upset your biological balance. Adding too much big fish one shot, the bacteria might not be able to cope up with the increase of bioload.
  11. My new toy conch 10 basic. Quite impressed by this small fellow, the wave produced is comparable to my mp10 if not more powerful.
  12. Same here bro. Yeah hope i found the idea for my new scape now my tank already fully loaded cannot put more coral liao lol.
  13. Yup 100% dead rock all bleached and dried. You are right about diatoms i have quite a few dead spot on my tank thats why i'm getting another conch wm to help better aeration. I do have more rocks in my sump but just wondering how am i going to scape lol. Thinking of buying more dead rock drill holes and seed with lr before putting inside tank.
  14. Better reserve first i want one each =) Will collect tonight. Turquoise green Acro Deep purple Acro Kit kat Green A. Variolosa
  15. Bro i'll contact you tonight to get some frag from you.
  16. yah lor bo pian haha. think i gonna take my bro dslr to try take picture already. I feel angry unable to capture true colour of my coral lol.
  17. Dream what i can see from here is all bros out here commented with a good intent. I would suggest doing more read up with regards to cycling, equipment requirement, live stock requirement and such before splashing out additional money. For myself i started reading for about 6 months before i bought myself a tank and i check around with reefer out here for advises and also read online for more information. As you have just started reefing, i believe you are still not familiar with people at LFS and also which LFS are trustworthy which gives you good advise. When i was a newbies starting out, i listen to some LFS which give me advises which is not really good after finding out on internet. After those few incident, i decided to judge myself and listen to bros out here will be a safer way. Even for my existing tank which is already my 3rd tank, i also took 2 months to cycle before adding any livestock just to ensure all the parameter is right. Even after cycling, i took at least another 5 months before i add in my first piece of coral because my parameter is not in the right place. Take things slowly and don't rush. This is a hobby that requires quite a fair amount of knowledge and money. The more you learn, the less you spend. Happy reefing.
  18. Close to one week to my new addition, thank god all the coral looks happy and not bleaching. Also gotten a frag of radioactive bn which i really like it. Going to shop for more colours as i feel my tank seems to be dominated by only green and pink sps lol. Also i'm still waiting for my chilli pepper monti polyps to turn red as right now i can only see white polyps. I'm also thinking of rescaping my tank as the current one doesn't seems to have much surface area to totally spread out the sps for growth.
  19. bro remember key to success is patience. Don't rush for live stock but i can truly understand that part if you are dying to stock up.
  20. hey bro i want the green and yellow milli. the one that i got few days back doing well in my tank.
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