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Everything posted by qwertman321

  1. jus remembered their display tank got 2 of these u guys can try ur luck see if she can sell u
  2. this is the last piece from jireh but no worries! once my halves healed , i put one up for trade =]
  3. Here my New ORANGE PARADISE YUMA!!!!!!!!!!! Once i bought it , i when home immediatly chop it in half!
  4. Hi guys, got some lightset , wish to trade for some corals. Pls post your corals picture here and HP number. interested in zoas , purple death , sps and rics . Here are the 2 light set available for trade. Light A : 4 ft DIY ( got from other reefer nvr been used by me), 4 tubes ,no tubes included Light B : 2 feet hopar , 4 tubes ( 1 row spolit) , come with 4 tubes and 2 spare.
  5. Finally manage to capture a picture of my beloved FA!!! But i add this fish first.... i read that it is aggressive when stable in tank i will try to get a better shot next time, still lots of black markings that cannot be seen in pic!
  6. Hi ambystoma this one for u! i dun think the yuma is that yellow , nor orange . Its jus may a mix of orange and yellow , but colour still not intense... Sry for the bad pic quality Corals from top to bottom Green yuma with light purple rim orange yuma with green mouth intense purple yuma with yellow mouth! Orange ric with 2 green mouth !
  7. The L shape Tank Super jia lat! My father sort of like dun wan to spent any more money on his tank. the Nitrate 70 ppm i ask him use AZ no3 remover , he say its bull shyt He jus set up a 5ft refuge outside , now tons of algae growing all over, i think phosphate is low but nitrate CMI all his live rocks also have abit of algae ! and his T5 light tube , used for 1 year plus , he dun wan change! lol
  8. hi bros jus got an orange ric from reborn last week, it seem that the color is fading a little? how do i make the orange more intense again? pls advise ty
  9. Hi stevenkoh thx for your lights , Realli love it
  10. Yuma jus bought from reborn Slightly Blue base with Electric green polyps But cannot get true color to camarer
  11. Heres some pic for today before I go to school InsideOut Zoos Still cannot get a good picture with my sis cam
  12. thx bro . the air stone skimmer in my tank is extra one , i set it up cuz that day i dose too much AZ-no3 so bacteria bloom!Whole tank super cloudy! so i add another skimmer to give my tank more air
  13. I think i had a glimse on the newspaper that a naked lady found dead in the pool ?? is it at IR??!
  14. lol so good!I wan be ur son!! i must beg my father everyday jus for the LED lights My dad IR member , everyday chiong ! i tell him once HUAT he buy for me . He lose for 2 weeks then only win 1 day , and when he win i ask him buy LED .... i feel a little awkward
  15. Is tailspot blenny a hardy fish too? aggressive anot? i see the colour in internet quite nice
  16. 3 stripes!!!! i think ppl bought that edi ..... Mine is 4 Thick stripes
  17. no lah my father also got suport me with some cash
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