Lighting: The color of the clam's mantle and use that as your judge for where your clam should go. Some T. maxima's will show vivid coloration and others will be showing off the brown color of their zooxanthellae. If your clam's color is iridescent, it has adapted to bright lighting and should be placed closer to the top of your tank. If your clam is mainly brown, it should be placed lower in your tank away from strong lighting.
Temperature: 26°C - 28°C
Salinity / Specific Gravity: 1.024. Salinity is also important, too high or low a salinity can cause the death of a clam. Try to keep specific gravity between 1.023 and 1.025.
pH: 8.3. Do not let the aquarium exceed a pH above 8.4.
Hardness: Maintain a dkh of 8.
Water Movement: Maxima Clams can handle strong water motion, however high currents should not be a constant condition.