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Everything posted by creed2100

  1. 3 feet Tank with cabinet is still available. Please let me know if anyone is still interested.
  2. Hi guys Rocks, corals and additives, test kits and two fishes gone to responsible reefers :-) Now left with the following: (A)5 fishes... pix attached. Sorry i m bad with names ... Following are the fishes (pix attached) 1) 2 clowns, i think they r pair as they r always swimming together. 1.5 and 1 inches. Been with me for 6 months. $10 2) Stripe demsel. 2 inches. Been with me for 2 yrs. Free 3) Yellow n purple fish (around 1 inch). Been with me for 6 months. Free 4) Blue (around 1 inch). Been with me for 6 months. Free ( MH light with stand (picture attcached) . $100 ©Cannister filter ADA MC918 (picture attached). $50 (D) Chiller Resun CL450 (picture attached). $150 (E) 3 feet Tank and cabinet 180L : http://freshnmarine.com.sg/estore/product_info.php?products_id=2397 $200 (F) 2 feet tank with a stand (picture attached). $50 (G) A bucket of 58 lb Oceanic salt. (three quarter full). $20 Prices are negotiable. Please let me know if u r interested. Pick up from airview towers, 10 St thomas walk. Fawad 8112 7660
  3. Hey guys.. Since noone has shown interest in the tank and equiptmen, I'll keep the tank. Please let me know if anyone wants to take the fishes, corals and rocks. Fawad 8112 7660.
  4. Sadly after speaking to few movers including sgbros, noone is willing to transport saltwater tank so I have to give away my little ones with a broken heart Here is the list.. Please see the video for what is inside the tank https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150573061350468&comments All fish feed on flakes and have been with me for more than 6 months. Two for more than a year. Everything is there except for the shrimps. MH light cannister filter ADA MC918 Chiller Resun CL450 Tank and cabinet: http://freshnmarine.com.sg/estore/product_info.php?products_id=2397 Lots of test kits and additives. A big bucket of 58 lb Oceanic salt. (three quarter full) In addition, I use a two feet tank with its stand/table which i use to condition water. I would prefer to sell the entire thing as a package. So if you are keen and can manage to transport it, please make me any offer. Otherwise, drop me a line if u wanna take life stocks, rocks and corals as a one package. As those things would need to go first if I were to break it down. Viewing: on weekends on weekdays after 7pm. Live at Airview Towers on St Thomas Walk (near river valley rd). Closest mrt: Somerset/ Orchard. Only have couple of weeks to manage it and really hope to find a good home for my little ones. :-((( It actually hurts to let go of them. Fawad. 8112 7660.
  5. Bro, upz for ur sale. The one i bought from you looks beautiful in my tank and havent murdered anything yet
  6. Thanks.. I know they do. but need to get rid of my demsel first. Noone seems to be interested. :-( Would any fish shop take it?
  7. Giving away for free. Pick up at river valley road. After office hours only. So far, it hasn't bullied any fish. I have had it for 6 months now. Was gifted by a nice another reefer here and so donno how long he had it for. Reason: to reduce bioload to make room for yellow tang. (haha anyone to give/sell yellow tang?) Fawad. 8112 7660.
  8. Bro, can you reserve one for me please?
  9. Hi... The above is for sale. Asking for $15 for both. Around 3 inches and 2 inches long. Plus have some medium sized live rocks. Around 15 kg. Asking for $15 only. Pick up at River Valley Road (near Killiney rd/ somerset mrt). Please bring your own pail. Fawad. 8112 7660.
  10. Forgot to add, chaeto has disappeared. Eaten or dissolved? Could that be the culprit?
  11. Thank you everyone for helping me. I have done 50% water change. Checked my parameters (ammonia and nitrate). All are ok. Skimmer is not working. But rest of the fish are doing well now.
  12. 4 fish dead since morning and rest gasping for air but corals happily blooming. Donno wats wrong. Wat to do? Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Distressed!
  13. Thanks bro.. yeh you got it right, I want the angel bicolour. Thanks for reserving. See you on sat.
  14. Bro, can reserve blue tang and bicolor for me? Fawad.
  15. Bro, interested in your yellow tang.. How big and how much?
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