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Everything posted by kimkim23

  1. Thanks for the zoas bro.haha didnt know #2 wasnt on any rock,had to rescape abit to find place put it on.nice meeting ya.too bad kindna in a mad rush at the mrt coz of the office crowd today so couldnt had a chance to have a proper chat with ya
  2. i've used distilled ever since i cycled finished. tried various brands all ok..Ntuc got 55 cents ,shop and save 65cents .. its the best alternative liao if no transport and cant bring back NSW from LFs..but then my tank is pico la.so wont too ex. If big tank i think u need bring trolley home with full of distilled liao
  3. Hahah.. yes yes i was collecting the birdnest frags from u before i went out to makan my birthday dinner.. xie xie ni!
  4. Heres a update.. hmmm.. my missing baby black clown realli went heaven liao i think,body cant be found Changed water today as usual and got some pinky birdnest frags from snowman bro who lived nearby,he gave me some nice red algea plants and a green monti to try. everyone has settled down.god bless tigger and "orr jam jam" 'my gf names my fishes =/' will all do well for times to fellow.. Oh ya suay suay the zoas i got from jacky i think was carried into my jawfish's cave..doink..think i see it inside but i decided not to dig it out or move the rocks..dont wanna scare tigger later jump out again..dont wanna risk that alamak.. well heres a pic of my humble seascape on my 28th birthday haha..Too bad couldnt get some new zoas from peter today, arbo could had took 1 with them
  5. wahhh #8 a beauty too bad bor buget liao
  6. Thanks snowman.nice toking to ya..we realli live very near lolz
  7. haha bro i was interested in the star polys too. too bad jacky bro wanted to sell in a set
  8. i checked ard the tank and inside the skimmer, all bor sia..the rocks i dont wanna move it coz its's my jawfish's home and i dont wanna unsettle it..haiz..shd had gone to fishy heaven liao..guess it shd be makan by my hermit again . my hermit is a expensive one..coz it devour my firefish and now 1 black occelaris.. ogykogy my prizm doing well ah.skimz out tea o whenever i overfeed esp when i target feed my suns.
  9. Super weird lor. But I realli can't find it haiz. Wonder did it suffer the same fate as my purple firefish. I did notice it like to hover ard the surface ytd but before I slept it went bak to it's normal regime of hovering in the middle with it's buddy. Too bad fish can't talk arbo can ask the one still ard where's it's missing buddy. Haiz. Sad
  10. Sadly i woke up today and found 1 of my baby clowns is missing donno wat happen..sign.. didnt see much symptons of anything wrong with it.js vanished into thin air..sob sob.. Everything else is doing ok.But as per usual my zoas not opening much.. found my missing blue eyed hermit though..
  11. er.. do hermit crabs molt even their pincers?o.O" i saw my hermit crab pincers and old shell beside it sia.. fainz.. My digi cam mem card spolit..cant post new pics
  12. bro can i ask the rock that the ric is on how big is it huh?coz need to know whether can fit into my pico b4 even trying to bid
  13. Very nice and neat bro! Compared to my messy pico which has too much stuffs on it haha =)
  14. deleted my name from the list. Aftering considering the equipments already on my pico don't think I can queeze this in. Thanks alot Daryl anyway. =)
  15. er..btw can i ask measurement?coz i scare cant fit on top of my pico =/
  16. wow i wonder how he places the corals..wear diving suit full gear jump in?
  17. i'm using api ah.. not bad mah
  18. update* just tested my KH today.it had a good ten! maybe the new sea salt i use (oceanic) realli improved the reading.recently oso put in some pro-activated carbon instead of the carbon which came with my buget canister..
  19. I got muji memberhp bro hehe. If u buying alot can tell me pass u my card can rebate off abit hehe
  20. Thanks for the fishfood bro!nice chatting with ya. Glad to had Met flamedav too. Always nice to meet up with fellow reefers
  21. i route march in that day didnt saw any sia.. only saw yr red clown goby , oso found it nice but felt my tank scape brown enuf liao lolz..
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