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Everything posted by chickyduck

  1. Just bought myself a tubeworm. My tank is fishless so do I need to dose planktons to feed it?
  2. My hammer coral has brown spots on the flesh. Could this be an early symptom of brown jelly disease?
  3. I am fine as long as the colour of the monti is the same. Possible to pm me the price of the frag?
  4. Will you be interested to sell the monti frags instead of swopping them? Thanks.
  5. I do not think it is advisable as I cycle my tank using tap water and there is lots of algae even though the tank is about 3 months old now.
  6. Does this mean amoxicillin has potential negative side effects even on skin contact? I am considering to use it to clear the purple slime in my tank.
  7. I have just bought a piece of birdnest to try keeping sps. But how do I tell if it is doing well in my tank or not? Thanks.
  8. Looking for BBS hatchery. Please PM me if you have the mentioned item for sale.
  9. Hi all, Please sms me at 91798589 if you have a 1.5ft cube tank for sale. Do include the price. Thanks.
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