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Everything posted by jtsojt

  1. hi bro!is the zoa still available?if yes can reserve for me?
  2. Coral brain and candy floss had been reserved
  3. would like to sell this green open brain and 4 polpys of candy floss at both $20.interested PM me.thanks
  4. ok.thanks alot!will take note on this !thanks for helping !!!!! ,
  5. i going to remove the red algae soon.and the prata pic is taken when the light is just on.
  6. can anyone help>?on the candy coral the red colour thing is it harmful?and my prata does it look ok?
  7. im interested at Purple and green acan echinophyllia..can reserve?will collect this sat or sunday.btw how big is the lobophyllia orange?
  8. very nice zoas!!!may i know where do you get them?DSCF3828
  9. Anyone selling rics PM me thanks!!
  10. ok..thanks.anyway i cant understand what you mean by this red slime.advise please
  11. thanks !will clean my tank often..
  12. yes..it is coral chips..that time still quite new to marine so when i upgraded to 2ft ,i get some advice from ah beng ,den he ask me to use coral chips to stable my water..dunno is true anot also ..
  13. ok.. :) actually i wanted to change the background long ago..i dun like the background actually ,will go change maybe next week..will update more next week after i change my background first..
  14. hi bro what do have in your tank now for coral?
  15. After upgrading to 2ft ,decided to post some of the pic..hope to have more comments!still have a long way to go.. comments welcome!but sorry for the blur pic cause using hp cam.
  16. wow!long time never come see see look look..suddenly so many good stuff!!! so there is no chance for me to buy the blue ric from you unless i bid for the one above
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