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phuakl last won the day on March 11 2015

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About phuakl

  • Birthday 01/03/1979

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  1. Do you have the photos? I couldn't view the ones you posted earlier?
  2. Quite scary to have it in the tank.
  3. Just wonder if anyone has seen this clip before. http://sploid.gizmodo.com/guy-had-no-idea-this-enormous-bristle-worm-was-living-i-1761934265
  4. 1) 25L x 2 Jerry Can (a Bit Dirty internally) + 5L x 2 Jerry Can - $10 2) Micro Bacter x2 (Used Half) + Reef Bio Fual (Used Half) - $10 3) Filtration Media - Chemi-Pure (Elite) - $15 (Brand new) 4) ReViVe (Coral Cleaner) - Two Little Fishies (Left with 3/4) - $10 5) ChromaPlex (Kent Marine) (Used 1/5) - $15 6) Ultra LPS Grow colour (Used 2/5) - $10 7) Fish Food - TDO Chroma Boost (C1) Used 1/5 - $15 8) Eproxy x2 (Brand New) - $15 9) Exernal Chilli Controller - $50 10) Food Timer - $9 11) Frozen Fish Food (x2 Rotifers and x1 Brine Shrimp) Brand New: $5 12) Garlic Bio Vivi 60ml (Brand New) - $18 13) Orphek Azurelite (Led Flash Light) - $30
  5. Selling the items below. Deal at Sengkang Central 1) 25L x 2 Jerry Can (a Bit Dirty internally) + 5L x 2 Jerry Can - $10 2) Micro Bacter x2 (Used Half) + Reef Bio Fual (Used Half) - $10 3) Filtration Media - Chemi-Pure (Elite) - $15 (Brand new) 4) ReViVe (Coral Cleaner) - Two Little Fishies (Left with 3/4) - $10 5) ChromaPlex (Kent Marine) (Used 1/5) - $15 6) Ultra LPS Grow colour (Used 2/5) - $10 7) Fish Food - TDO Chroma Boost (C1) Used 1/5 - $15 8) Eproxy x2 (Brand New) - $15 9) Exernal Chilli Controller - $50 10) Food Timer - $9 11) Frozen Fish Food (x2 Rotifers and x1 Brine Shrimp) Brand New: $5 12) Garlic Bio Vivi 60ml (Brand New) - $18 13) Orphek Azurelite (Led Flash Light) - $30
  6. UP. The fish should be Hoeven's Wrasse (Halichoeres melanurus)
  7. Selling wrasses (ID unknown) price: $28 (+ x1 of small white tube, x1 turbo snail and Nassarius snail) Meeting location: Sengkang Central Date and time: Tomorrow before 3pm.
  8. Hi, Selling the corals below. Coral 1 - ID unknown. Coral 2 - Red Gornia (Bought at $55) size round 50 cent. Sand Dollar Sea Urchin Total Price: $78 Meet up at Sengkang Central. Reason: Decom. Collection today or tomorrow morning.
  9. Tank currenly pending for viewing.
  10. 1) Skimmer - Deltec Mcx 300. Price $150. Under warrently - Reserved 2) Lighting - Maxspect R420 120W Price $420 Under warrently - Sold
  11. hi, Selling the above fish . Size:8-9cm Blue trigger fish Size: 5-6cm Total price: $48 Meeting place: Sengkang Central Fish with me around 2-3 months.
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