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  1. Used for a year kept in store 2 years. $140. Kembangan. 91078804. Thank you.
  2. Either Rio 17 or 20, Aquabee with flow rates about 4000l. Hp 91078804. Thank you.
  3. Used in freshwater, very good condition, No controller, magnet or holder. 12,000 lit per hr, 24 watts. Selling for $148. Collect from my place Kembangan. 91078804
  4. Hi bro, still available? 91078804. tks
  5. Hi bro, interested in the tunze wavemaker. I'm staying kembangan. How about you bro. 91078804. tks
  6. hi bro kksg, was that for the 250model, 4ft length?
  7. Preferrably in the East. Watsapp me detsils. 91078804. Thank you.
  8. Preferrably in the East. Watsapp me detsils. 91078804. Thank you.
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