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Everything posted by yusoff06

  1. Hi bro interested in your red monti. can frag for me. thanx. contact at 96627111

  2. bro would like to get the powder black tang from you if still available. Contact me @96627111. thank you in advance.

  3. Hi Bro... your cheato still available.

  4. thanx for the info bro.
  5. Hi bro just to enquire if the Lubbock wrasse still available. If do, can i know where to collect or contact me at 96627111.thanx.

  6. Hi bro would like to get the warasse from you if available. contact me at 96627111.thanx.

  7. Urgently looking for peppermint shrimps. Tank under attacked.
  8. Urgently looking for peppermint shrimps. Tank under attacked.
  9. Hi interested in your sailfin tang.If still available do contact me at 96627111

  10. Hi,looking for fire shrimps.Mine both died due to sudden shocked.sigh.If anyone selling can contact me at 96627111. thank you in advance.
  11. Hi all looking for the above mentioned starfish.Thank you.
  12. bro wht are the coral you giving away. if dun mind i will adopt them.
  13. bro would like to have it if still available.
  14. Hi looking for some chaeto to spare me in the east area. PM me. Thanx in advance.
  15. Could I get it from you instead.if possible do text me at 96627111
  16. Hi looking for cleaner shrimp or red fire shrimp.Anyone have any to sell me. Thank you in advance.
  17. Bro, interested with your shrimp. Can deal?
  18. Bro, interested in your first ats. Could watsapp me at 96627111.
  19. Hi, bell will be interested in your blue tang. When can we deal?
  20. Hi,trigger was the RBTA still available?
  21. Hi, John mam interested in your cup coral.May I know the size of it and the collection place.Thanx
  22. Me going for $62.Very nice garden leh.
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