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Everything posted by surreal1228

  1. selling my best chiller due to Upgrading. Very quite on or off. 9/10 condition. Regular maintain it. Used Less than 2 years. Cooling my current 2 ft tank 10 mins per degree. So good ti support from 1.5 to 3ft tank. Let it go at $300 Here are specs Model: HC-300A Power: 1/4HP Voltage: 220~240V Frequency: 50Hz Working Current: 1.8A Water Refrigerated: 100~800L Iced Mediam: R134a Rate Of Flow: 1000~2500L/H Weight: 18.6kg Size: 448×330×440mm
  2. The AT so nice. I am dreaming already. Can keep AT together with big angel fish?
  3. One of best t5 set. Seen in person. Same as Brand new. Those bros want to colour up ur coral. Dont miss it.
  4. Sure. No worries Pm ed u. Put in sump. A bottle of cold green tea will be great.
  5. Amazing growth and great diy work!!! I am doing the same. Growing a tank of sps from frags. But now just 2n month after "hot coral soup" tank crash. Look forward to more pics
  6. Like the top view. Colourful. Thought u should have many zoas also if I m not wrong?
  7. Not sure. Feeling shouldnt be using that for refractometer.
  8. Use this to verify or for water change bro.
  9. Bro u do birding? Where u go? I used to also. Can go together next time.
  10. Try cultured one or frag from reefer. Will get higher chance. Hi flow and light. Can pass you some if u wanna try?
  11. I think it s correct. Otherwise no need to cal at 20 degree right? But u can tell the difference is huge right? Another thing can proof this is to follow dd salt instruction. 1kg salt mix with 25l water =35.5 sg Can try
  12. Bro. What r u looking for to trade?
  13. yep, correct. instead of make the whole room at 20 degree, you can use a pail of water by adding in ice block. you will be surprised for the reading after calibration. hahaha
  14. Bro. If I am not wrong all the cal fluid needs to be used ard 20 to 25 degree.
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