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Everything posted by poomoon

  1. hmm, all of you guys think like that huh. we're not that bad ... well at least i'm not to my BF
  2. then i would be a reef ... umm ... spore or just about to ...
  3. ok thanks. btw if it will be for rock scaping, is it like giving a strong hold to ensure the rock scape doesn't collapse, but if need to re-scape, still manageable/easy to detach again ?
  4. thanks ... nooby, but your tank really nice
  5. ok, sorry to ask, also from another nooby who hasn't done this, so the part that you " decide where u want to stick on yr live rock and hold yr coral there for about 10 -20 sec. " , this is in the tank, under water ? is this the type of epoxy that dries even in water, and not pollute ?
  6. umm, again, sis .... hehe haven't yet, will do soon
  7. thanks. got 2 snails also, doing quite good job. anyway i only see the algae on this coral only, no other part seems like after checking
  8. umm, sis ... anyway, yeah i was thinking of doing that, my friend just gave it to me, anyway i think it is in fact dead so maybe i will
  9. haha ... sorry and thanks really a newbie who's trying to get into the hobby, and not even in engineering background, so bear with me you can shoot me anytime, shoot me up with some free LPS / SPS haha
  10. ok, thanks. actually this one was just given to me by a friend, and i noticed this starting to grow. how to know if carbon dioxide is high ?
  11. hi, can you advise if this is the green hair algae ? do i need to remove it, and if yes how ?
  12. ooh ... no more interested can't stand to see them off as meals ....
  13. and they do buy ! that time saw 3 pairs of juvenile clowns taken separately ... $12.90 each if i recall correctly.
  14. quote : always checking this thread for updates on your tank
  15. btw jacky, how would it be if need to install 2-3 fans, still follow the same rigging of one power adaptor ?
  16. jackie, yup, two 2.5 in very quiet and weak well just got em free from comex. i guess the processor or graphic card fans are quite strong ... maybe too strong
  17. i have a laptop cooling pad now, with 2 fans, it cools the laptops indeed, but the airflow doesn't seem to be very strong, quite weak i would say, but just enought to get the heat recirculated out of the laptops.
  18. you have it isolated ? it's cute, interested, but how is it with tank mates ? i read that they're carnivores and can even devour fishes it's own size ? thanks.
  19. yup, just so happened i came out from the mrt going to ps, then saw that shop ... can already see the prices quite expensive ... i just asked to see how the service guys were. and with that kind of answer seems they just want to sell. but like i said, the others there buying seems not into the hobby and just buying for their kids' "wants".
  20. hehe of course not ... that's what i thought
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