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Everything posted by poomoon

  1. same yuma family ... not yet fragged
  2. some photo's ... mini blasto (see the skeletons ...), not really a clear pic sorry.
  3. yikes ... although just quick, i hope nothing bad happens during CNY ...
  4. thanks bro. i seem to just like to spread zoas more and more first, make the right side full of zoas and shrooms i think
  5. hehe, still a lot of space, but GF already said, "enough " first ... so we'll see. she seems to like to add more fish though (the cute variety hehe). put back my bubble on the left, seems to have recovered already and started to really bubble up last night. just a little worried about my yellow goby, looks somehow thin, eating, but not much. my mandarin is getting fat though. eats all day and night. i'll try to get close up pics once i get my dlsr later.
  6. yup, go RD ... just got one few days ago, boston aqua farms ceramic reef plugs ... though color avail is only white. 20 plugs per bag.
  7. i'd go with the third one bro ...
  8. hey bro ... too busy past few days. anyway like i said, just crammed everything in. here's a quick snap from iphone on FTS. the PPF or whatever its called hehe ... as you know heads are broken around, so glued them into a frag plug first, sitting temporarily on top right of the rock. the mini blastos, just noticed 3 skeletons. will that grow back ? once get more time, will snap closer pics.
  9. hey bro, you call that bad ? your scaping (and gardening) looks great. this seems even better than before. glad your stock is recovering.
  10. pic delayed for tomorrow ... sheez, am i starting to have a nudi breakout ? the other night caught 2 baby nudis on the wall, plus a bristle. tonight, just removed 4 baby nudis. small but look like a lettuce one ? 2 on the wall, another 2 on tunze.
  11. ok ... can we start over again ! anyway, i guess maybe i didn't experience this bcoz i glued my rocks (using D-D) in a tub, then let it set as time to time i'd pour NSW on it. when it became quite set, put it in the tank, and it was ok. but when i did some adjusting to one area and began to work it under, then that murky thing started to come out. luckily not too much.
  12. pairs ? and then mate ? lol ... maybe the hermit is waiting to murder your pistol ....
  13. or maybe stick some argonite / sand on the surface ?
  14. if i remember right, the clip will only push of the light about 50mm from where it is clipped. with how your tank height is, should be ok i think, but more of the issue is how low the clip hangs the light. if you don't hang it ala jackie or digibee, it would make your access to your tank quite limited, and potential splashing of SW on top (fans) and sides ... just my 2 cents.
  15. I think this was the one bro ahsiang was mentioning ...
  16. haha, he's well trained to " sit ", " stay " and " smile "
  17. yeah, D-D is ok for me, but longer u work it under water, comes out with this murky stuff. So really have to be fast. Uh oh weekend coming bro, time for family also right
  18. Ok, so just finished doing coral shopping from PT Aquatics (hehehe). Thanks Peter. I'll try to snap some photos later. Was rushing so just crammed everything in the tank. Will see how it is later when I go back and everythin starts blooming up
  19. nice to have finally met u bro. thanks, sorry to cut our chat short, have to go back quite far hehe
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