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Everything posted by poomoon

  1. haha ok. yeah simple is always nice, can still look stunning. anyway just had a near crash ... casualties casualties ... will be back in a few days, or worst, after CNY already.
  2. whoa ... rescape again bro ? wait, hamsters are urs and not ur princess's ? hehe like i told peter before my princess also like a seahorse ...
  3. Thanks bro. Yeah, i actually just tried to target feed them twice in a span of 2 weeks, and after the 2nd time, that's what happened, so I couldn't say it was overfed. Yeah, went to RD (nearest of course) but they ran out of AZNO3. So will probably try to get this weekend when got time.
  4. Hey bro, is this the last of the family ?
  5. +1 ... not really nice full opening ... but once moved into dimmer areas, BOOM !
  6. cool bro ... umm, why mounted so high ?
  7. might not be good. the more you work it under, might contaminate while not set. best is how bro jacky said. then after gluing with the gel, let it dry a little then dip it in a separate bin with water to also remove some stuff from the cured gel. then i'd put it for maybe 10 minutes or so in nsw in a bin just to make sure it gets rid of whatever is still there before putting it back in the tank.
  8. hi bro, really busy past couple of weeks. anyway, thanks for the advise. yes that was after target feeding ... started to throw up a lot. one thing i noticed later is brown powdery algae started to accumulate on my walls. also saw my BTang starting to have ich. checked params, nitrates at 25ppm, rest are nil. started removing them off the walls, and for now did about 25% WC with remaining NSW. also put in biohome plus. so far yuma seems slowly recovering (now that they're not fully open, good time to frag ? ) BT still lively and eating a lot, though ich became quite bad with dots covering most parts. As of last night, observed that dots almost gone all the rest of inhabitants seems ok. still continue to monitor first.
  9. Slight change ... 1. Harlequin Mania / HC0300 white / L / 02 pcs 2. LaW / HC0305 red / M / 01 pcs 3. Kikobananas / HC0302 black / L / 01 pcs 4. Samsies / HC0302 Black with Orange Trim / L / 01 pc 5. OneOneFourFour / HC0300 white / M / 01 pc 6. OneOneFourFour / HC0302 black / M / 01 pc 7. digibee / HC0300 white / XL / 01 pc 8. Poomoon / HC0301 Navy / M / 01 pc 9. Poomoon / HC0305 red / S / 01 pc 10. justin / HC0302 black / M / 1 pc 11. Gouldian /HC0300 White / M / 1pc 12. Jackywongto / HC 0302 Black (T/Orange) / M / 01 pc 13. kimkim / HC 0301 Navy (T/ Yellow) / L / 01 pc 14. LemonLemon / HC 0301 Navy Blue (T/yellow) / L / 01 pc 15. Raydiative / HC 0302 Black (T/Orange) / M / 01 pc 16.bugattilambo/ HC 0302 Black (T/Orange) / M / 01 pc 17. Qiang / HC0305 red / M / 01 pc
  10. just got the new LED driver back, and the new sliding mounts from razali. the mounts are cool ... still deciding whether to try installing these again though.
  11. hey bros, quite busy this past week due to visitors ... need advise, for past few days, noticed my green yumas seemed to be nt opening up, looks like they shrunk (the 2 bigger ones). though the babies seems to be growing. and with these 2 big ones, i always see their mouths open somehow, and throwing up.
  12. hey bro, whoa nice FTS now ... nice variety and colors. the rics and zoa gardens look simple yet vibrant. i just suddenly appeared again, very busy this past week, now having problem with the yumas
  13. ur office area there with the glass wall ... Hmm that would be nice and big
  14. +1 on adjusting very small steps and check water level after some time until stabilize.
  15. whoa ... that BIG huh ... anyway, update on the nudis ... so far i've caught about 8 small ones over the past few days. since yesterday haven't seen any. anywhere else i should look or check, or do ?
  16. ooops. Thanks for the advise bros. Yeah I sucked it with light squeeze only, coz I saw it dangling and the mucous-like string seemed very thing. Lucky when I did, the ball easily broke off. I guess have to not do it then next time around.
  17. huh ... then you might be planning something really $$$$$$$ ....
  18. ok. i saw something like a black looking ball just outside it's mouth, and still some slime think connected to the mouth. when i sucked it with the seasquirt and dispensed it out a paper towel, it spread like a lot of poo ... yuck
  19. hehe i cut up shrimp really small and use long tweezer to feed the yuma, but yeah if slow even my clown will grab it. now just turn of filter and skimmer and squirt some pods on the yumas, too small i guess for the clowns to notice, then they close up and start eating. though for the bubble, still use the tweezer to feed with shrimp time to time.
  20. after clearing your tank should have enough to start
  21. anything that can stop ur plan ...
  22. haha. maybe quite exp, but I got this SeaSquirt, basically a huge syringe which can extend up to 3 ft, normal length about 2 ft. Also has an extendable plastic pin for meaty stuff.
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