my take here is ... while some say other LFS also give such answers as 'very easy', etc ... the question will be who are the targeted customers ? i could say ~90% of people visiting LFS (in the east, west, etc - u know which LFSs I'm talking about) are really into husbandry ... or at least newbies who would want to get into that kinda life. For such 'LFS' like in TP, N Sqr or -- others -- , ~90% of the people are 'pet' people, mostly families with kids who are interested to purchase these as pets for the kids.
Of course in the end, bulk of responsibility still goes to the buyer, whether a newbie or experienced one, to ask questions, or research before purchasing. But for such 'pet' people, there's also a responsibility to educate them very well and not just to make a sale (though we know this is a typical pitfall). anyway in the end, if the pet buyer is not successful, then only 3 things come - he did not do it correctly, the LFS did not educte him properly, he decides not to promote any further that LFS and may even tell friends about it, which will also be bad for that business eventually.
i am not against 'pet' people, i myself am one - dogs, birds, etc ... but there is a certain knowledge needed to ensure pets are taken cared of very well, some even become 'family.
all in all, the worst impacted victims will be the very innocent livestocks, who like every one of us, deserves a chance at life.
cheers !