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poomoon last won the day on February 1 2011

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    Ang Mo Kio

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  1. Selling Yellow angelfish size about 2.5 inches been with me for 1.5 yrs. $20. Selling as only maintaining small fish. Thanks. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. BTAs shouldn't just die like that in a very short time. Highly possible as already mentioned above, might have not been a healthy specimen when you got it. Your may need to do some water changes.
  3. nice tank bro ! i see a pasar malam section on the left back side
  4. Guardian has. I bought quite some for my newborn son last month. The increments are 0.1ml
  5. Like like !!!!! ..... far far ....
  6. Upz for u Mark. All frags are smiling healthily in my tank now ur tank is simple but still impressive ! Cheers !
  7. At times simple is best. As long as all healthy and maintained well. Ur tank looks neat
  8. I think the best is if a clown hosts it. Then almost dont need to feed
  9. Nice collection of zoas. U plan to sell also ?
  10. Whoa. Accept home visit ? Lol. After wife give birth, should visit your farm again and have kopi
  11. Viewing ? Dr Ang species no need to view lol. Guaranteed !!!
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