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Everything posted by gp2700

  1. Thanks for all the replies ! It was very helpful & detailed ! Then is there any recommended placement of filter media ? i.e mechanical first, followed by biological then chemical or in any order is fine ? I intend to get my tank up and running as a fish only tank first then move on to corals, currently only have dried "live rocks" (dead? haha) in the tank. Where is the cheapest place get live rocks ? Do you guys just stack it up or glue it on using aquarium expoxy ?
  2. hi people, I'm in process of setting up a tank (4x1.5x1.5 - courtesy of sis Ming69). So far, I've gotten the tank & a Ehiem 2028. Am thinking of adding sump tank but am quite confused by the sequence of filtering. When the water flows from the main tank to the sump tank, what filter should it goto first ? I read elsewhere that the water should be processed by a protein skimmer first, then filter through the mechanical, biological & ???? (one more is what huh? can't rem liao) then it goes to a reservoir then to a chiller then a pump to go back to the main tank. But yet when i see some sump setups, it seems to be filtered first then goto the protein skimmer. Which is right ? Logically, if it's prefiltered first, then the skimmer don't have to work so hard ? So why not prefilter first ? What is recommended for the sump media and how much ? i.e 3 kg LR, 1kg crushed oyster shells, stuff in 2in of cotton etc etc
  3. Thanks for the many replies, any more offers esp for cabinet ?
  4. Hi all, I'm in process of setting up a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft tank and here are the things that I need ... so if you have any that you want to sell, drop me a PM with your offer and equipment condition. Thanks for reading ! 1) Protein skimmer a. must be able to work in/out sump b. prefer compact to mid sized c. budget ! 2) Sump tank a. 2 ~ 3 ft with 3 or more compartments 3) Cabinet a. To be used with 4 ft tank b. Be able to house a sump tank c. I can arrange for own transport at night 4) Chiller a. Not really required for now but if you have one for sale, I might just get it first. b. Must be capable of chilling 4ft ~ 6ft tank c. Budget !
  5. No worries, it was a good work out ! Thank you for your kind generousity!
  6. Just saw at Aquamarin some ready mixed sea walter, $20 for a bottle, think it's for abt 8 litres (can't recall exact figure, best to call n check)
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