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Everything posted by gp2700

  1. This link might help if u wanna add a external thermostat for the CL280. http://aquatic-art.blogspot.com/2008/10/ch...-5-minutes.html
  2. Mine groupers took to the pellets like a fish to water(pun intended!) I have a couple in my tank and they chase each other sometimes. It does not seem to be bullying since they are not injured and still eating like pigs. Anyway, try to create some crevices/holes/hiding spots for them. I noticed that they like to "take cover" in the LRs when the lights go out even though they are supposed to be nocturnal hunters too. Nice to see a fella fisho here too !
  3. Panther groupers are very easy to keep and yes, they grow quite fast too. I have some (2in to 4in) in my tank and they eat anything - pellets, prawn meat, ikan billis, whiting. Just have to cut them into small pieces (small enuff to fit into their mouth) and dump 2 pcs at a time until they don't want to eat. Walk away for 30mins and dump a piece of prawn again .... they should come up again for more. From my fishing days, groupers can do 2 amazing things : 1) Gulp down more food even if the stomach is full 2) Open their mouth real big i.e 2 or 3 times the normal size I've not any problems with them eating my cleaner shrimp ..... yet. The shrimp can't really fit into the mouth .... yet. So I reckon it's safe for the shrimp .... for the time being. I've not fed them any live food yet cos it's hard to get those small/tiny fishes that they can hunt down as food. If it helps, I have some clownfish, wrasses, copperbands, tangs and damsels in my tank.
  4. bro Jameshong, How many LEDs can you connect in series using a 12v power supply? Assuming the specs of 3.7v forward voltage and 350mA forward current per LED, connecting the LEDs in series means we can connect only 3 LEDs per power supply, am i right ? When using the meanwell power supplies, is a resistor still recommended to protect the LEDs?
  5. hello, Anyone has a good condition OR6500 for sale please PM me the price u're looking at, age and condition of the pump. Thanks.
  6. bro, CF is at 60 Lim Chu Kang Lane 6F Singapore 718843
  7. Yours is broken, i reckon ? Easiest way is goto either Kitchener Road some of the hardware shops, bring along your sample to ensure a proper fit if u are not sure. Very high chance of getting what you need. p.s If the outlet is the same as CL650, the cap will fit in a 1in pipe. Cost should not be more than $10. The other place I know probably would have is Mainland Tropical Fish Farm @ Pasir Ris FW1. I saw quite abit of piping supplies there. Worst case scenario - Jalan Besar there got a few plumbing supply shops, I changed both the inlet & outlet to a stronger system there for about $20 in total.
  8. Just came back from Ah Beng - he has 4 swimming in 2 separate tanks
  9. Pros : Keeps your LS alive for a while - how long depends on what equipment u connect to the UPS, the more u have, the sooner the juice runs out Cons : No real time notification regarding the downtime of power supply Battery needs to be changed yearly for best performance Not using yet but planning to get one soon
  10. u can catch them bedok jetty, usually those uncles with long handle net and kerosene lamps catch squid(sotong) for bait but they will scoop up cuttlefish if they come along
  11. Wow Solo77, thanks for the details. Will check thru my setup based on your list when i get back home later tonight.
  12. Argh. Must have been too tired. Sorry for that guys. My return pump connection came loose last week, when i woke up abt 50% of my tank died. !@#$%^ Now it's secured with a hose ring. Just thinking what else could possibly happen; I rather prevent incidents than to cure any.
  13. Just wanna know from experienced reefers - what is your worst fear for your reef tank ? And how do you prevent it from happening ? i.e main pump failure, chiller failure, tank overflow etc etc ?
  14. I'm not too sure about the SMS on power failure function but I think I can check with someone about this tomorrow. Question is due to the hardware cost and customization, how much are you willing to pay for it ?
  15. Just to share - I bought my 25L jerry cans for $10 ea at one of the plastic hardware shops near 23 Onan Road. Can't remember the name of the shop though. They also have 20L, 15L & 10L jerry cans. No joke carrying 2 x 25L jerry cans full of NSW if you don't have a trolley - I nearly sprained my shoulder the other day.
  16. Dear bros/sisters, Please PM me if you have any spoilt chillers for sale or giveaways. Do include details like what is not working, age and very important - whether any leakages or not (my wife will gladly hang me if she sees water all over the floor~!) Can go self collect after 6pm anywhere in Singapore. Cheers ~
  17. Bro, This might be abit late but check this page out ... http://www.kibnt.com/uploadfile/all-purpos...065628ETRRA.pdf
  18. TS, I beg to differ. When I just joined the forum, I PM one of the reefer bros here and he was very kind to tell me that he may not want to sell me the tankset he was selling because I might give up the hobby half way and waste money. He then offered to guide me through a tank setup and other information before I buy. I've been using other hobby forums for years, photography, fishing, PPCs, u name it. And this is the first time I ever got such response. Other hobby forums that I know will just sell you what they want to get rid off and good luck to you if it does not work as advertised. About asking questions, it's generally better to do some research before posting questions, sometimes, simple questions has been asked too many times and people do just ignore them. That's what the search funtion and google is for ... Now, I've still no idea what/where's GO but I do know that Aquamarin has some seahorses (not familiar with species though) so if anyone wants to buy them, go give them a call Happy reefing !
  19. I guess it depends ... a kind brother passed me a chiller recently saying that it does not work well anymore and it does not have a thermostat to control the temperature. So I hooked it up with a thermostat and started it up .... first 2 mins run ok but the next 10 seconds gave a screeching sound so loud i had to shut it down. After rectifying the problem (some WD40 at the fan bearings), checked it for leaks. Some leakage here and there but nothing aqua putty can't fix ... heh. Now it's running fine (water is cooler but still trying to configure the darn digital thermostat though) and i think the chiller should be at least 9 years old ... cos written on the innards of the chiller was a date sometime in year 2000. Anyone got faulty chillers for me ?
  20. gp2700

    How to Make

    Hi Sherman, Glad it's working for you; just to check with you, what are your power requirements ? Can anyone share what are the common DC accessories & power requirement that you are running ? i.e Fans, LEDs, etc ? I'm currently running 2 x 12V (0.15A) DC brushless fans and 2 x 12V(1A) LED strips currently.
  21. Hi, Am looking for a chiller for my 4x2x2. Preferably 1/2 ~ 3/4 HP. Pls PM me if you intend to sell yours. Thanks
  22. Sorry if this was asked before but Google showed nothing .... I need diagrams I'm currently running 2 pumps in my sump (no chiller yet - that's another pump eventually)- one for the protein skimmer to work and one return pump. Is it possible to use just 1 x large capacity pump for both or all ? I think the heat load is way too high Is it advisable ? What other items would I need to make this happen ? Other thoughts include running the pumps externally instead of insump but the only way I know would be to use a external cannister filter. Any comments ?
  23. Well ... I think it's better I not name the shops but here's a listing of the prices I got : Shops in west LR : $15/kg LS : $6/kg Shops in East LR : $8/kg but i gave them some dead "live rocks" so they sold me at $6/kg Honestly speaking, the western LR looks much better than the Eastern LR in terms of live form i.e more coralline, algae etc. Won't weight/water pressure be an issue if alot of LR is used? I might be in the North-West area today and will check out CCK, LCK and Seletar if have time ... Is there such thing as too much LR ? * Forgot to add : Day One I asked the shop in the East : How much per kilo of LR ? They said $6/kg. Next day I went back to "trade in" my dead LR and they said "Oh since u gave me some LR, I charge u $6/kg instead of $8/kg". It could be a misunderstand as in they could have 2 different grades of LR @ 2 different prices but you can be sure that I will be watching closely what I buy from the shop in the East ....
  24. Thanks for the helpful answers people, appreciate it ! i have been searching for LR pricing these few days and wow, they are expensive! A friend of mine who does diving and fish keeping told me it's dirt cheap from where he came from. I can't imagine paying $15/kg for LR ... makes me wanna goto the beach during low tide and get me own LR to cure ... how much LR is recommended for a 4x2x2 anyway?
  25. gp2700

    How to Make

    Just plug in and u will get DC power already BUT please be careful, these stuff can kill. perhaps you can share what you intend to do first ? If want to drive DC fan, those handphone chargers would usually suffice ...
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