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Everything posted by Tian85

  1. Selling 2 kg worth of used bio homme(red). Please contact me at 96-79-02-48
  2. Skimmer clean and in good working condition. Price is negotiable!
  3. Earlirst for new stock to come is 3 to 4 week time, is a long wait
  4. Will like to buy some copepods to seed my sump. Anyone selling or can spare a little.
  5. Nice work! Careful of the bubbles as it will cause weakness in the joins and might cause leaking. Overall, very nice DIY!!!
  6. Anyone can spare some and living in commonwealth or clementi area.
  7. My scrubber is just 2 weeks old and I am starting to get growth of green algae, not hair algae but more of a layer of green growth in patches. Is this normal?
  8. Excellent work horse. Selling due to upgrade. Price is negotiable!
  9. Looking for something like the tubing for washing machine but smaller diameter
  10. Hi, Any idea where to buy flexible tubing for plumping? Looking for size around 20mm.
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