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Everything posted by Tian85

  1. Anyone know which LFS selling Red Sea Aiptasia-X? Prefer LFS in the west. Thanks
  2. will like to know if u still have anymore cheato to give away. Thanks! =)
  3. bh-1000 will cost around 160+- and bh-2000 will be 210+-.
  4. for LS can get sand sifting goby, sand star, sand dollar or snails.
  5. If you are not using skimmer, then 5 to 10% daily will be more then enough. For WC, is 5% per week or 20% per month. 25% water change daily is too much, no need to mention the 50% WC. Water parameter change too much which cause the fish to stop eating.
  6. Amazing Tank! Wonder how they feed so many sun coral.
  7. Purple tube for example ATI purple + will help to boost the colours of pink and red corals.
  8. think got a thread on this where the skunk bully the fire. Think is case by case basis and also tank size is an important factor. Have seen LFS with skunk and fire living together without any problem.
  9. They are also a type of cleaner shrimp but when in captivity they don't not perform cleaning of fish as frequent as the skunk shrimp. but if you are to keep them to clean and pick around the tank, they are a better choice. Skunk on the other hand will become lazy and go for the fish food when they grow big. Hope this helps =).
  10. Don't have gaint near my house. Will make a trip to gaint to search for the vinegar. Thanks!
  11. Anyone knows where to get 1 or 2 litres distilled white vinegar? Cold storage and NTUC near my house only sells 500ml bottle. Thanks =)
  12. How about hydor PICO EVOLUTION mini power head. Saw a few in aquamarin and they are really small. http://www.hydor.it/index.php/prodotti/show/famprod/18/list/6
  13. everything is outside the tank. only thing inside the tank is the water intake and outlet.
  14. I using BH-2000, i got it from fresh and marine. For that price i find it quite a good buy. Skim mate produce is good and is easy to set up. Wet or dry skim mate is just adjusting the collecton cup height. But down side is that it might flood your house if piping is loose or the skim mate over flow[very unlikely!]. Happy Reefing!
  15. Here's the video of the bubble chamber. http://s1182.photobucket.com/albums/x448/hontian/?action=view&current=IMG_0236.mp4
  16. will take a video and post it later
  17. This is the skim mate for 6 hrs. My tank is currently cycling with zero LS just 20+kg of LR. Cycle going to complete so very little skim mate collected. Skimmer still able to produce such black skim mate is already quiet good in my opinion. Happy Reefing =)
  18. Will upload the pic in the evening.
  19. Thansk! will get fire shrimp then. They are also much prettier then skunk! =)
  20. Using reef octopus BH-2000, a very nice skimmer for that price. using it for 3 weeks and is giving me good skim mate. If buget is not a concern then got for deltec, will not go wrong that brand. Happy Reefing =)
  21. if i am to get either a skunk cleaner shirmp or fire shrimp, which 1 is better in terms of hardworking. Cause wanna get them as cleaning crew and read fom web sites and they state that skunk shirmp is more hardworking. Is it true?
  22. Will give them a call. Any idea how much is 1 fire shrimp?
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