Add 8 drops of regent 1 to 5ml
Add 1 teaspoon of regent 2
desolved it
Add regent 3 drop by drop until the solution turns blue
Nos of drops X 15 = ###### mg
Let the sand and LR(uncured) sit in during the first stage together with the newly mixed water to kick off the cycling process. Many of them opted using raw prawn some use chemical reaction solution but the main intent is to cutivate bacteria growing
1. ah^siao (sengkang)
2. hghflyer (sengkang)
3. [P]owder Blue (Kallang)
4. Octopuffy (Bedok Reservoir Road)
5. Jas Soh (Lavender)
6. Hotsoup(Chai Chee) we running for election? Next will be people from the west...