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Everything posted by hotsoup

  1. It' s kind of difficult to gauhe the price as its vary by the colour and sizes and of cos the conditions of the coral itself
  2. Hi, u might want to find out more information by searching for preview on weipro skimmer
  3. No budget? Then why not using a eutoreef or H&S skimmer, they ;re so far proven in the market with a price
  4. Re u refering to return pump or Power head?
  5. Anyone happens to see him Pls inform him to return rightful item to rightful owner Thks
  6. Ya..I'm looking for him too. Called hime but no one picks up
  7. That's cool! how's the cost to make this? Cos I thought of using Eheim 2213 canister to make one
  8. Just returned to work from 2 days M.C. Flu, cough, headache. Take care
  9. Add 8 drops of regent 1 to 5ml Add 1 teaspoon of regent 2 desolved it Add regent 3 drop by drop until the solution turns blue Nos of drops X 15 = ###### mg
  10. Yes it will but at this moment it's more vulnerable to stressness
  11. So.....re we suppose to have a East conference gathering?
  12. Why Bt Panjang also come under east sector?
  13. Hi DeepBlue, re u talking abt LCK 11*? Cos I heard people talking abt then adding something to the water
  14. Maybe the LFS adds coloring inside the water
  15. Let the sand and LR(uncured) sit in during the first stage together with the newly mixed water to kick off the cycling process. Many of them opted using raw prawn some use chemical reaction solution but the main intent is to cutivate bacteria growing
  16. Chai Chee consider part of bedok also...
  17. 1. ah^siao (sengkang) 2. hghflyer (sengkang) 3. [P]owder Blue (Kallang) 4. Octopuffy (Bedok Reservoir Road) 5. Jas Soh (Lavender) 6. Hotsoup(Chai Chee) err....re we running for election? Next will be people from the west...
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