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Everything posted by hotsoup

  1. Why dun we meet up in town areas for a coffee session?
  2. Gd idea but this time around, we have members going to his hse.
  3. if your water parimeter is alright then next you should pay attention to lighting and water current flow
  4. I mean , for example when you're adding powder PH buffer, the unresolved powder fall on the mushroom causing chemical reaction on the mushroom's skin surface
  5. Another possible.,did u or when u add any solution to the main tank, those unresolved particle landed on the mushroom's surface?
  6. Transfer it to your friend's marine tank, if any, or maybe with lfs that you know.
  7. hotsoup


    U dun have to go to the extreme to own MH for a tank's height that's less than 2 ft. PL light will do the trick
  8. Agree. Don't have to think abt it. black Shop
  9. U can trey kent Rxp medication but not advisable by most reefers
  10. Can you post a picture of your tank?
  11. But.... didn't we agreed we all wash together.
  12. hope your fishes will eat them up before they grow up. if not, u can have free pepper crabs, chilli crabs
  13. I have the same problem with my flame and yelloe tang too. presently looking for a small hospital tank to house them until they recover,hopefully.
  14. Can't wait for the next generation to come into this world. must reserve first
  15. Anything can happen in this world, you never know, they might become great lovers
  16. B4 deciding on the light, wat is the tank's height?
  17. Maybe should let us know where is the place?
  18. For breeding, you could try put them in a tank of their own, if not, lets the eggs become fish food. source of vitamin.
  19. Hi, Welcome to the big family. Wat you can do to prevent salt desposit, is to do daily maintenance,eg cleaning away access salt resalute on the tank surface and vicinity
  20. Hi AT, any locally hangon Ca reactor for a 3 ft? Thanks
  21. That's cheap for a 5ft. i got a quote for 4 x 2.5 x 2 complete set @ $1400/-(of cos with gd quality wood)
  22. Hi, Tune worm for me, is just for decor
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