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Everything posted by hotsoup

  1. haha the other way is to make your house sound proof loh
  2. if budget is in favour then go for Reef relief or Teco
  3. Hi, How much will it costs? Thanks
  4. U have to play down to your luck, some peppermint skrimps do the job and some don't
  5. Of cos noisy..the chiller is running non-stop to coolyr 6 1/2 ft tank
  6. i'M USING 0.5 hP FOR SIX MTHS already. so far so good with the noise level
  7. Ya loh, the 250w is out of stock and only will come in next week
  8. No machines of all brands could promise quietness after a period of time, not even Teco. It's how the chiller is maintained and proper usaged of it warrant the prolong lifespan.
  9. Hi, The SPS virus is spreading fast in local reef community, until lighting shops also run out of 250w and 400w light set. They said that many people are buying for aquarium. WOW. can we have a head counts here, how many of us are moving to SPS?
  10. I think one of the sponsor, Octopus bay, is selling Atman products. maybe u can PM him for technical details. Dun worry, he's a friendly guy
  11. this thread is in the wrong place. moderators pls move it
  12. wah lau.cannot wait, such a beautiful tank
  13. wow so early...dun need to work izzit?
  14. That's the price to pay to start this expensive hobby
  15. My tank's size is 3 x 2.5 x 2 using 0.5hp which I found it's insufficient now and planning for upgeading again. Sigh...shouls have taken the 1.25 to save more on electric $$$
  16. Then in that case, get a higher flow rate pump and design the pvc piping with a check valve to control the flow into the tank to prevent future pump upgrading. This is wat happening to me now...upgrade and upgrade
  17. Do u have a sump tank to draw water back into the main tank? If yes, 1200L might not be sufficient as flow rate degraded along the pipes way to the main tank casing less water exchange rate.
  18. get the max HP Chiller for yr tank's size. U won't regret. 0.5 is definitely not enough to chill a 5ft
  19. hotsoup


    Power blue tangs are not very adopted to captive environment which means the chances of keeping them is slim. Water conditoions and strong water current are required. What u can do now is to isolate the poor fellow to a empty separate tank filled with just cycled water and PVC pipes. Feed with food fixed with garlic juice and observed.
  20. Hi, I'm trying to get hold of all the 250w components thru searching the SRC's site but to no avail. Can someone enlightens me where to get them? Thanks
  21. OIC. mine is constantly fine until reaching the bottom of the collection cup
  22. I thought H&S comes with it recommended pump suh as aquabee. I'm using the 2000L model
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