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Everything posted by Ingwe

  1. Hey guys, I've kept this colony of GSP for about a month and a half (it opened only after the second week). I've noticed the tips of its tentacles have adopted a lighter shade of green. Is this a good/bad/nothing to worry about? thanks!
  2. hey, A little less than an inch, for more info http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=497+501+1479&pcatid=1479
  3. nice article.. thats CFoh are zebra dartfish available in sg? I'm heading to iwarna tmr.
  4. Hey bros/sis, These fellas started showing up in my chaeto a few weeks ago and their population is growing fast. Are they friends or foes ..? They're 10 legged, up to 3 mm long (so far) and have really long antenne Sorry about the pic, my camera can't seem to focus on them Many thanks!
  5. nice.. i can't get my GSP to grow as fast if i wanted to
  6. thanks bro. didn't expect some more discount haha. And delivery too! Sorry for making you lug the reef octo skimmer only for me to realise its too big
  7. if you're gg for a hang on protein skimmer take a look at taam rio's too. I've been reading good reviews abt it. waiting for c328 to stock.
  8. no idea.. a poor shredded copepod?
  9. chaeto needs a dark period to be more effective, that is what i gathered from trawling e net anyway.
  10. didn't know they'd bite too Ok. Its quite a tiny guy, one half of the original that decided to split. lol
  11. My black sea cucumber is on my star polyps now..
  12. They still sell marine fishes, relocated to the area beside the fw fishes.
  13. Please pm me the price/location Deal preferably in the west
  14. as above. Meet up in e west is best. Cheers
  15. hi bro, whats the id of the yellow fish in pic "16"?
  16. will the corals be stressed if coralrx is used? (like a fw dip)
  17. lol. coralrx seems to be a powerful nuke.
  18. Did a dip and got the bugger out, it looks cleaner too. it seems like it, before that a few polyps were opening but they're all closed now. I've put it under some flow and lights, hope it'd open soon. Thanks for the heads up!
  19. yeah, its supposed to be. He hangs out at the front panel with my clowns. Haven't heard of flashers attacking corals.
  20. It looks good too! poor chap seems stressed out in the bottlecap. Its going back! Thanks for the really really quick reply!
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