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Everything posted by Ingwe

  1. I've got a piece for sale, got it for 10. It was bright yellow when i got it but faded somewhat after my damsel chased it into the rocks. Doesn't seem to be as aggresive as advertised. It takes pellets and frozen mysis, greedy fella. Selling it for $5, collection at holland v or b. vista station.
  2. it may also be Pseudochromis fuscus
  3. anyone kept one before? I just spotted one at a lfs going for about 10 bucks. I'm looking for a yellow fish that can get along with my CB, Banggai cardinal, and a pair of clowns in my 2 feet tank
  4. I have turbo snails that bred in my tank, they might be the offspring of your algae clean up snails. notice that they usually come out only at night so thats why you've only just noticed them
  5. Yellow coris wrasse or watchman goby in mind, can't be angel as i have a coral beauty in the tank already
  6. I've got some, coke sounds good too. Please bring a tau huay/ice cream tub for exchange, I ran out alr. Collection in the west
  7. good idea! I'll try put it so the waves form a V towards to front of the tank. Yeah, the sweepers look really scary. my strong current = k nano 1 feet away. haha. I didn't know they can tolerate flows as high as yours, was hesitant because i read that the soft tissues might be damaged. thanks for the info
  8. bro, i think purple firefishes might be territorial.
  9. thanks for the advice guys, bro lemonlemon is right, 6 inch sweepers from my 3x4" colony? no problem nice tank I've been experimenting with the flows, low flow heavily loaded sweepers but they can't get anywhere. mid flow sweepers go with the flow. high flow so far so good. My galaxy looks a little different though (can't really tell from the small pic), it has white tentacles beside the green. hope i got the id right
  10. thanks for the tip LaW.. I've tried that but the sweepers just extend in the direction of the current (the galaxy is boulder-shaped). Will coral sting sponges?
  11. It extends long sweeper tentacles at random times of the day. Is an orange sponge a good candidate?
  12. hey xian, nice tank I've started out with nearly the exact same set of hardware. If you've got enough flow in the tank turning the canister off will help with lowering the temperature by abt a degree or so. Congrats on keeping the fish count low, I have a hard time resisting the urge whenever i visit lfs
  13. hey ligerton, bro angel fish has reserved it ahead of you. I'll notify you in the event that he backs out.
  14. hey bro, what has that got to do with having a sand bed? It can be better water parameters among many other things too
  15. Collect at holland v, a bottle of coke/ice lemon tea will be great, don't have also can.
  16. nice tank.. does the SPS directly under the lights look whited out like in the picture?
  17. thats what i'm afraid of.. need confirmation from e bros here.
  18. 8 limbed with 8 filamentous extensions on each appendage. Chaeto strands for size reference, swims like a jellyfish.
  19. Please pm color (send a pic is best), size, price and location.
  20. yup. from what i read need to change every 6-8 months. Light intensity from e tubes will decrease and there might be a spectrum shift. btw do you need to feed the clam?
  21. hey, i saw some purple fire goby at ah beng's and red ones at iwarna on the 29th
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