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Everything posted by MOssrope

  1. Table Chart after World Cup Day 21 1) Mossrope 226+0=226 2) Goondoo 202+6=208 3) mitlancer 189+0=189 4) Kiko 167+6=173 5) Eniram 166 6) Bino 157 7) Siang 143+6=152 8) Ray 105 9) Vtec 38+0=38 10) Jacky 15 11) Skyruner 12 12) Wilson 3 12) Skinbone 3 12) GerrardBoon 3
  2. 3rd & 4th Placing: Kikobananas's Germany 2 Uruguay 1 Siang's Germany Uruguay Goondoo's Germany 4 Uruguay 0 Eniram's Germany Uruguay Mitlancer's Germany 1 Uruguay 1 Mossrope's Germany 1 Uruguay 2
  3. LF small size Kole tang or any tang in the bristletooth/Ctenochaetus family. Looking at 3inch and below.
  4. 3rd/4th Placings Day 23 Game's tonight if you guys lose track btw Germany Vs Uruguay Germany@-0.75
  5. i must be blind to not see everyone taking germany... well done wilson! sorry guys been busy. last 2 days of games.
  6. scary looking pictures! you really bring out the best in them. what country was the pictures taken in btw? for those overseas pictures.
  7. Semi Finals Day 22 takes Kikobananas's Germany 2 Spain 0 Siang's GERMANY 2 SPAIN 1 Goondoo's Germany 3 Spain 1 Eniram's Germany 1 Spain 1 Mitlancer's Germany 2 Spain 2 Mossrope's Germany 1 Spain 1
  8. SEMI FINALS World Cup Day 22 Spain Vs Germany Level
  9. since both still goes into the same sump even with different return pumps... bioload in both tanks will still even out no? unless the tank with sps has more LR and such.. or more frequent water change from the sps side then there would be a difference maybe. but if sump filtration is powerful and flow is just the main issue... your intentions will suit to meet your needs
  10. Siang's Netherlands 2 Uruguay 0 Kiko's Netherlands 2 Uruguay 1 Goondoo's Netherlands 3 Uruguay 0 Mossrope's Netherlands 0 Uruguay 0
  11. interesting comments everyone! ok firstly not sure which country is killing which animal/hunted cause there was discussion on whales.. dohplins.. damsels gobies. hope memory didnt fail me on these The Japan issue was due to the hunted consuming large amount of fishes within the area and depleting the fisherman's catch during that season. The hunted comes in during a certain time of the year only and the japanese fishermans will attempt to sashimi all of them in order to save their catch. As for the Denmark issue, it is a culture for boys turning to man. So this "ritual" turn the boys into man after they do so, though i feel it just made them more gay bullying the hunted. Its also a seasonal period that the hunted comes into the area. Ky verdict: Newspaper before SRC trolling! These were recent news just cant remember if its fully correct. Karma Police Verdict: Both countries have been knocked out of the world cup bro BFG made me so hungry by saying KFC and its not gonna be open soon
  12. SEMI FINALS World Cup Day 21 Netherlands vs Uruguay Netherlands@-0.75 subjected to change
  13. Table Chart after World Cup Day 20 1) Mossrope 222+4+0=226 2) Goondoo 198+0+4=202 3) mitlancer 177+8+4=189 4) Kiko 163+0+4=167 5) Eniram 160+2+4=166 6) Bino 157 7) Siang 143 8) Ray 105 9) Vtec 38 10) Jacky 15 11) Skyruner 12 12) Wilson 3 12) Skinbone 3 12) GerrardBoon 3
  14. Table Chart after World Cup Day 19 1) Mossrope 218+0+4=222 2) Goondoo 198+0+0=198 3) mitlancer 171+2+4=177 4) Kiko 161+2+0=163 5) Eniram 158+0+2=160 6) Bino 149+4+4=157 7) Siang 135+8+0=143 8) Ray 103+2+0=105 9) Vtec 38 10) Jacky 15 11) Skyruner 8+4=12 12) Wilson 3 12) Skinbone 3 12) GerrardBoon 3
  15. always been skeptical letting a bird read our fortune. and behold guys its time to get a parakeet and an octopus!
  16. MOssrope's Argentina vs Germany 2-2 Spain vs Paraguay 1-1
  17. Quarter-Finals! World Cup Day 20 Argentina vs Germany Argentina@-0.25 Spain vs Paraguay Spain@-1 i will tabulate the tables later
  18. Ah Siang's Brazil vs Netherlands 0 : 1 Uruguay vs Ghana 2 : 1 Kiko's Brazil vs Netherlands 2 : 1 Uruguay vs Ghana 2 : 1 Goondoo's Brazil vs Netherlands 1 : 0 Uruguay vs Ghana 1 : 0 Mossrope's Brazil vs Netherlands 2 : 0 Uruguay vs Ghana 0 : 1
  19. theres a 2 days break for World Cup. Games Resume on 2nd July Friday. good time for LFS stop over. ANYONE?
  20. such good memory.. pretty sure your gonna do very well in the exams. i old already cannot absorb anymore. how long has your tank been running? looks like a lot of space to empty your wallet on
  21. Quarter-Finals! World Cup Day 19 Brazil vs Netherlands Brazil@-0.5 Uruguay vs Ghana Uruguay@-0.5
  22. Table Chart after World Cup Day 18 1) Mossrope 188+15+15=218 2) Goondoo 194+4+0=198 3) mitlancer 155+8+8=171 4) Kiko 161+0+0=161 5) Eniram 146+4+8=158 6) Bino 145+4+0=149 7) Siang 135 (weekday and no post!) 8) Ray 103 9) Vtec 38 10) Jacky 15 11) Wilson 3 11) Skinbone 3 11) GerrardBoon 3
  23. hey bro, nice to see you finally settle down with a tank you like. is there a sump btw?
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