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Everything posted by MOssrope

  1. i usually rescape with semi water change and was never a problem... lets have some rescape picsssssss
  2. luminous GSP reminds me of my planted carpet tanks! pretty nice and i dun see them often... do let me know too if you see them. thanks for the help i requested moments ago!
  3. ic.. i am actually looking for people who can paint wall murals, did think of doing myself as i saw some real nice ones which were pretty art. As for feng shui, i have been reading on those nowadays sadly i broke one of the main commandment for aquariums.. which is - No fish tanks in the bedroom
  4. very vibrant tank you have there. whats your lighting now? Sps will never be a problem for dedicated people. and did you do your wall murals yourself?
  5. i have quite a bit of eheim spare parts but i do not really know which kind you need.
  6. let me join in your weekend LFS chionging sessions! hermit crabs are pretty much the nemesis of snails unless the snails stay on the walls of your tank most of the time. Trochus snails are very good additions.. to me they seem to be the few highest work rate snails.. another side note is if u would like to add a sun coral .. its like having a dwarf lionfish that doesnt poo as your feeding bioload will increase a lot.
  7. use the other outlet which is the sponge one to reduce micro bubbles. you will have to adjust your skimmer level accordingly if you wish to use that as theres no lever control.
  8. For read up http://earthsgreatesthits.blogspot.com/200...e-parasite.html Video check your fishes tonight!
  9. theres an error with the width its not so thick. Its just like a normal hang on filter width. Make sure your length and height are fine before getting one. I might sell it 2 months later when this playground its for has upgraded to an amusement park. Managed to control the micro bubbles with a lower flow. Spending less on the short run can be spending more on the long run.. this theory applies fully for the marine upkeep.
  10. it is best to go for nm peaks when choosing bulbs if you wish to be accurate. Some manufacturers 20000k still has a very strong white base, probably leading to people thinking Higher K = better output. 6500k bulbs covers a large spectrum of wavelengths which you can see on graphs given by distributors. But peaks are around 460nm which is ideal for plants and many corals. As K in these bulbs increase lets say 7500k+ it doesnt cover a wide variety of spectrum like daylight bulbs and moves to more solely on the blue spectrum side. I did mention the difference in output maybe say 6500k Mh light and 6500k T8 florescent. For T8 the wavelengths and spectrum are cut out pretty fast before it actually hit the base of your tank, but for MH the spectrum are pretty consistent even in a deep tank. As i said 20000k bulbs peak does not help in growth but brings out the best colouration("glowing power") while if you are using a MH with intense power.. there are still other wavelengths present which are not at their peak. Peak wavelength and output power are what i am trying to emphasize in order to answer your question. Which is why manufacturers like ATI encourages mixture of different bulbs which has seen much success with our fellow reefers here. My eyesight got a lot worse researching all these back then.. but I still can be wrong in certain areas, but its pretty much this way.
  11. ooh man good thing it didnt hit our favourite farms!
  12. check your salinity too. could be salinity spike that killed them and your new water. I caught a few and placed them in different salinity and they died respectively lowest first. Too bad they were ugly so my gf didnt cry. Maybe my 6-line did but too bad i caught them first.
  13. You must have a large gallery to have so many breeding activities on going. And to enable them to breed is really an achievement. Poseidon's right hand man! Hope i can view your gallery one day! hehe
  14. this is a story of nanometers and kelvin which is actually pretty deep if you look into it. Nanometers(nm) is the wavelength of the light spectrum. Kelvin(K) is the colour temperature of the light. Actinic light usually peaks at 400-420 nanometers. Which is about 7500k. The higher the K the more blue the light spectrum becomes. At 20,000k the peak wavelength should be about 150nm. This brings out the strongest blue pigmentation in corals like SPS but also does not help with its growth. Do Note i am talking bout the peak wavelength not helping with the growth but the other wavelengths are still present. The output of the light is one important factor too. E.g MH v.s NO(normal output T8) So to put it short... you cant say it is the same but there is no real test that can justify manufacturers claims on these K and nm. Its best you know the output and nm well enough from the different distributors if you wish to be precise. lol Take the deep sea for example. i mean DEEP. The main light source is the sun and by the time the light hits the sea bay.. only the blue spectrum is left. Thus thats why all your tanks have those blue spectrum lights usually. These are just a few simple examples please correct me if i am wrong. And for your 2nd question. Air stones are usually placed in air driven skimmers. The last time i saw air stones in tanks was at some fish shop around plaza sing area which some bros here take great notice off. Their visibly "alive"(swaying) corals are their artificial corals so i think it might not be a good idea to try. When the beer lady fails her job or when tanks with strong air stones get nutrient laden, you get a good amount of cappucino! <--(is this the right spelling? drink so many years still dunno zz)
  15. the site quotes 7.25in x 10.25in x 11.5in LxHxW. You can leave the width out. still a lot of micro bubbles now and then unless i make the flow very low.
  16. Skimmage pics as requested. These pics are quite some time back.. Its pretty messy in there now
  17. you seriously use a knife? one miss and its to your hands. Be careful!
  18. So now we know.... Anybody interested to keep some giant worms?
  19. how did you position your holder above the needle wheel area.. theres where my bubbles are sipping out from usually. Did you use the barrier to increase water level at the output?
  20. Reduced the water level by quite a bit and things started to look good. Though they recommended a very high water level which i went way below it. Will get some pics up when i am free. Gaps are still present resulting in some bubbles still entering the tank.. but not as much as before(like a needle wheel pump going off in a tank) I did block quite a few gaps up with random objects to hit this level of efficiency. Trusted Rio pretty much and would say the product is not a letdown. But u have to spend a lot of time calibrating it to suit your expectations and finding objects to fit some gaps. more updates to come.......
  21. got it from Y618 in yishun. Its a freshwater shop. I dont see this for sale in any other shops. Price is about a blue note. At the moment i am leaving it to run for maybe a week and see how it goes... have been adjusting here and there so might not help with the skimming. Not recommended to get at the moment. Loopholes greater than benefits thus far.
  22. micro bubbles entering the tank is a major problem. Still thinking of ways to solve and reduce it. If you have a separate compartment for the skimmer it should be fine. Its like a sump gone wrong as the removable plastic parts have gaps unlike a sump with no gaps
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