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Everything posted by MOssrope

  1. come get from me maybe? got a lot spare... if not your supermarket will have them.
  2. wow beautiful sps! 3ft cube must be very hard to reach in >< do you always use blue lightings or just for photoshoot.. cause its quite hard to tell the real colours
  3. wow thanks.. your a walking marinepedia.com they dive down hard into the sand to sleep or hide so if you guys keep them be careful with new coral placement on the sandbed.
  4. Hey there guys... and lemon! Its said this fish is a 2line wrasse / blue line wrasse by the lfs. would like confirmation and its scientific name. they sleep in the sand and i find it pretty amusing.
  5. bro ahbeng usually have them in the bags during shipment days... cf had quite a number in those floating trays too.. best to check before going down, as all these go missing after the weekends
  6. i have a pistol which was told by the lfs was a clapping thus making me believe both were the same so i went to do some reading and this is the one i have.. which is a red pistol(Alpheus_randall) and also called the clapping shrimp by the lfs which lemon clarified was wrong this one is the clapping shrimp( periclimenes venustus) i think we very much call them by anemone shrimp here erm hope these are right now
  7. is it ? ooh dear.. thought clapping are the common names given. sorry for the wrong info please erase them from your memory
  8. one such shrimp came along with the liverocks you gave me bro, from your old setup.. was this the one u were looking for? another name for clapping shrimp is pistol shrimp.. they can form a partnership with watcher gobies and live with them in the gobies cave. u can try that! not 100% but at least mine did
  9. hey there.. doesnt look newbie to me. how long has the tank been running? for sumpless tanks specifications like yours.. you can check out comypus tank thread in the members section for more references
  10. hey emmanuel... we met at reborn.. you can use 1ft pl 24w blue white tube.. u can check my older post which i had one for sale. though its sold already, but it worked well for my pico.
  11. lemon is very good at catching rare favias
  12. your black clown needs a partner.... lets go get him one tomorrow! why isnt the one piece figurine in the tank?
  13. black and white zoas! epic! are you going for sps on the top of your rockwork?
  14. getting live sand can be a faster way.. there are many variation to things that can happen during cycling which you can counter react with different approaches. let it finish cycling on this wait method before you tune the levels in your tank then.
  15. there are many methods of cycling.... you might like to read up on the net regarding these methods
  16. u can reduce them with water changes.. be sure not to add too much buffer this time round.
  17. oceanic has high mg levels... purple up has no mg in it i think... now to think of it when i was dosing purple up .. i added mg supplements too and coraline was quite fast.. i stopped on the mg and it slowed down quite a fair deal. maybe its time for me to play around with diff salt mixes again
  18. hey guys... any idea when the farms in LCK area and pasir ris area reopen after cny?
  19. you make me very tempted to make one mantis tank too... i almost got myself a mantis at cf.. they were constantly hitting on the breeder box and their eyes follow u as you move.. so evil, your nick does signify why u kept it though! do update often .. if all goes well for u i shall make one as well to house these violent kids
  20. 1stly nicely made tank.. whose your tank maker? 2ndly you named it tiger nano.. what are you planning to keep in there? next your ph and sg shouldnt go any higher.. but if water evaporates it will be higher so i would keep it one point lower in case of that no3 is pretty much high... this will not be good for new incoming fishes.. though it might be ok for existing fishes but not on the long run.. so allow it to cycle more or get more good medias no3/po4 reducer Mg and ca are on the low side for corals if u are planning to make it a reef. the increase in KH is driving all these down as they are all co-related.. chill on the buffer, its better to add less than more.
  21. so u finally got a copperband too! sorry for enticing u a little... where are the true percs from?
  22. got anything nice at the long reborn wait?
  23. wow nicely coraline encrusted tank.. was trying to find out the specs of your tank but couldnt find it. i understand this is an all on one system tank?
  24. yeah got one frag of yellow acro with white polyp good thing i am not married so can chiong again after cny!
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